Hey Honorable Isaac Mwaura, Kenya Is NOT A Theocracy! A House Party Is NOT A Crime. Why I Stand With Project X.

You’ve all probably seen the poster audaciously advertising one of the raunchiest and most explicit house parties Nairobi has ever seen. Aptly dubbed ‘Project X’,this spectacular bender was supposed to go down over the next weekend with attendees encouraged to show up skimpily-dressed or not even dressed at all and with an encouragement to bring along your own booze and preferred drugs.

That’s the MOST audacious party poster that Nairobi has seen yet. In one of the posters,brazenly publicizing a party Satan would probably be ashamed to attend,seductive photos of young women in different stages of undress can be seen… Also,a poster features the faces of two young gentlemen,probably the event organizers,looking all proud and haughty,content on the amount of debauchery they were about to unleash on a City.

There is even a number on the poster that you can call and reserve space,buy a ticket and/or ask for directions among other decadent things.

‘Project X’ promises to be a party of the Year. The party where lecherous profligates will congregate for the most atrocious night,fueled by nothing but hard drugs,excessive alcohol,blatant nudity and random romps.

According to the organizers,this party will be like something that has not been witnessed before. And as for the sex lovers,you can sit back and pay for the tickets in glee. There’ll be plenty of it on offer that night… From everyone in attendance.

And after the news started spreading fast on social media,Trending high on Twitter and whipping up a sandstorm of indignation amongst the pretentious types,rowdy nominated MP Isaac Mwaura (CORD) rushed to Facebook to shut it down,quickly calling the Police Headquarters,alerting Citizen TV presenters and forwarding the party organizers number to the ‘authorities’.

What the F%*K???!

This is the same man who presided over one of the darkest political moments in Kenya,causing massive havoc at Kasarani Stadium by jumping on tables and yelling himself hoarse,stopping a party nominations exercise from going on and resulting in wanton destruction of property,violent riots across the delegation,the birth of notorious ‘Men In Black’ and a massive disruption of a democratic process.

Hon. Mwaura started it all. Like a hooligan,jumping onto a table and throwing a national process into limbo,unchecked and unbridled.

But that’s an OK thing to do.

Mwaura is in an August House that has been accused of all manner of ills,a House that has robbed Mwananchi dry,a house that has flagrantly pushed for bigger and bigger pay hikes every season,a house whose members get paid (bribed) to vote on important legislative matters,a house littered with hooligans and architects of death,,a house that has stolen billions meant for the same Youth it’s pretending to ‘protect’,a house reeking of endemic corruption incredible greed and heartless wickedness. But he’s OK with that,too.


Event Poster for the Project X House Party.

Nothing about the moral decadence that Parliament has sunk this Country to irks Hon. Mwaura. Or maybe it does. And he never quite finds the need to spring to action so fast. Condemn it so spiritedly.

So,the Police have stopped the party? Why? Because it was publicized,that’s why.

Hundreds of wicked house parties happen every weekend in every City estate and neighborhood. Hundreds of drug-fueled parties go down in Buruburu,Kitisuru,Ruaka,Juja,Kasarani,Westlands,Upper Hill,Lang’ata,Kiambu Road,South B every weekend. With all manner of drugs and all forms and shapes of nude women in display.

Wealthy Kenyan politicians organize debauched Parties in Westlands and Hurlingham and Lavington every weekend… In the company of blithe college girls young enough to be their grand daughters.

Some of these politicians and businessmen and lawyers are people that Hon. Mwaura probably knows. Or knows about.

But has he ever spoken about it? Why don’t the Kenya Police,who I assume know everything,raid palatial villas in Riverside and Spring Valley where moneyed politicians are living it up with decadent college kids? Depraving them and sexing them and drugging them and violating them and poorly paying them afterwards?

Has anyone raided the many stripper joints along Accra Road? Luthuli Avenue? River Road? Or are they run by powerful business moguls whose strip joints cannot be brought down?

Kenya IS NOT Iran. This is NOT a Theocracy. Kenya Is NOT Saudi Arabia. Or some stupid conclave run by extremist religious bigots. Kenya Is a secular state. Not some ISIS-controlled colony run by the Scriptures and Holy Books.

You CANNOT shut down a party because there was a poster about it. If that’s the case then,You SHOULD shut down all house parties in this city. Not just the one party for which there was a poster.


Mwaura’s Facebook post decrying the party in support of the ‘Youth’.

Do we have moral police now? Does a Nation’s morality only apply when sex and alcohol is involved??!!

Hundreds of high school teens hook up over the holidays for promiscuous parties and weed-smoking and teenage sex in each other’s homes and in secretive clubs. What has the police done about this?

If all it takes for a party to get ‘banned’ is to have a poster about it, then,moving forward,there will be NO posters. And the party will go on.

Hon. Mwaura and the guys at KFCB (who recently attempted to ban a music video and ended up thoroughly embarrassed) must remember that YOU cannot police a Country’s morality. You cannot be the custodians of what is moral or not in Kenya.

If that’s the case then,let’s close down all nightclubs and pubs and lounges and discotheques in Kenya. Or doesn’t immorality go down there too? What do Kenyans go to the club to do? Worship Jesus? Sing hymns? Read scripture?

It’s stupid for Hon. Mwaura to claim that ‘Project X’ was ‘destroying our youth’. In what way? Isn’t that a party that YOU get to pay for? On your own volition? Or are the organizers planning to force people into attendance? At gun-point?

The greatest threat to the Kenyan Youth today is not some house party in some posh Nairobi location. It’s Politicians. And kleptocratic,satanic public figures. As a Youth,I want to be protected from the stealing of Billions of shillings in some Youth Fund. Not from some party I may or not attend.

I want to be protected from the grabbing of land meant for my sports activities. I want to be protected from tribal nonsense and ethnic bigotry. I want to be protected from political displacement and bloodshed. I want to be protected from having Funds meant for my development shared out amongst wicked Parliamentarians. I want to be protected from Bad Governance as a result of a Supreme Court bribery.

And then I will protect MYSELF from what party to attend or not.

Project X Is Not some public performance. Or a prime-time TV show. But a private,enclosed affair that you only get to be admitted to AFTER YOU have paid for it. By YOUR own volition. With YOUR own money. With YOUR own conscience.

You cannot be telling Adults what to do! Put your Political Party-and it’s errant Wife-beating Principals- in order first. And then you can come preach to us about what’s morally correct or not.

The Government is NOT my mother. Only she can tell me what to do or not. Where to go or not. Who to hang out with or not. And I can also chose to disobey her if I so wish.

PS: I had already bought a ticket. And I still hope to attend. See you there,moral police. Oh please!

Sample some of the sober reactions below…



About this writer:

Cabu Gah