Here Are The Photos Of The Jubilee Party’s Multi Million Guzzlers That Have Gotten Everyone Talking And The Opposition Scared
With elections just a couple of months away, all the leading parties and their heads are pulling all stops to not only dominate news but also appear unstoppable.
As is the Kenyan tradition lavish spending, banners huge rallies and fuel guzzlers and launches are part of the show and the newly launched Jubilee Party got and delivered the script perfectly. The launch of the party came with completely new and luxurious offices, a 2 billion party launch budget, booked out hotels and then an almost endless number of SUVs.
It is the party offices and the SUV that has captured many. The vehicles are branded in party colors and when they took a trip around town they caused quite a star. From supporters of the party it was a sign of the party muscle while to critics it only pointed to a party not in touch with reality and some even said the fuel guzzlers were procured and financed by corruption proceeds.
Anyway for the Jubilee Party that is all just the croaks of frogs that will not stand in way of animals seeking to quench their thirst. With the opposition leaders yet to launch their official bids, Jubilee Party has clearly set a high mark. Here are the photos