“He swears to go to the grave with 3000 teenage ladies.” Son Exposes His Father On Facebook Whom He Says Is Infected With HIV/Aids (Photo)
A warning to ladies has been issued by Raymond Njiru to steer clear of his father’s path not unless they want to contact the deadly HIV/AIDS virus.
Raymond Njiru took upon himself to warn ladies about the impending danger of associating with Lee Njiru whom he says is a ‘live wire’. Lee is reportedly Raymond’s father.
Raymond couldn’t stand Lee infecting ladies with the deadly virus thus decided to expose his evil scheme.
“This is to inform all my pals that lee njiru has been infected with the killer virus of hiv and aids. He swears to go the grave with 3000 teenage ladies. He boast 730 down 2270 to go. When you look at him see a corpse, morgue, hearse or a grave. Lests all gang up and prevent lee from committing a femicide” Raymond posted on Facebook.
Even though Raymond did a noble thing, most people question his sanity due to other ‘strange’ posts on his timeline.