Hakuna kitu kama Njaanuary! This is how clever Kenyans are still living big in January while other don’t have a penny to their name

If you are among those that are hoping that days could pass quickly so that you could get over with January, then you are not smart.

You know can get instant loan on your phone if you have MCo-op Cash app on your phone, right? Co-op bank enables you to get a quick loan on your mobile phone via MCo-op cash at only 1.16% per month. And people still complain they are broke in January!

The good thing about Co-operative bank’s MCo-op Cash is that it has more to offer than just providing you instant loan.


Every transaction you make using MCo-op cash or using other Co-op bank alternative channels e.g  Co-op Visa Card & Credit card and Kwa Jirani Agent, you stand a chance of winning amazing prizes.

Click the link below to see how you can win.

Co-op bank alternative channels

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere