Gun Shots Fired At Dennis Itumbi’s Birthday Party (Photos)
Dennis Itumbi had quite a birthday party over the weekend. In what has come to be dubbed the Chapati forum, Dennis Itumbi organized a volunteering project to offer tasty meal to hundreds of street families on that day.
Many turned out and it is estimated they made thousands of chapattis to feed the street children who came in huge numbers for a rare treat. While it was a noble cause and a pretty exciting event both for the volunteers and the street children, there was a problem as a couple of rowdy youths began scrambling for the meal when it was being served.
It became a security risk when the unruly street kids started flinging objects in the air and it resulted in wild commotion and police resorted to firing gun shots in the air which left several people scampering for safety and several sustained injuries.
The event was otherwise a huge success though critics said it was a pure PR exercise and that Dennis Itumbi and the Jubilee government in general could do better to find a permanent solution to the street family menace. Here are photos of the event.