Gospel Singer Spills Beans On How A Female Fan Gave Him Her Bra To Wipe His Sweat On Stage

A respected gospel wonder boy has revealed what ladies do to him daily thanks to the fame he has gained over a short period of time.

L-Jay Maasai has revealed that ladies always pursue him thanks to his fame and want to have an affair with him.

He has, however, said that he always runs away as fast as he can to avoid them unless they are discussing the word of God.

Speaking to Mzazi Willy M Tuva on his Mambo Mseto show, L-Jay Maasai also revealed how a female fan took off her bra and threw it at him as he performed life on stage.

Speaking on his affairs and relationships, L-Jay Maasai also said that he does not have a girlfriend at the moment because he is concentrating more on his music and serving God.

Here is the interview he had with Tuva:

Courtesy: Msetoea


About this writer:

Edward Chweya