Gospel Singer Betty Bayo’s Pastor Husband Embroiled in Drama Following Death of His Son Allegedly Sired with A Church Member
It’s not the first time that Pastor Victor Kanyari, Betty Bayo’s husband is making the headlines for the wrong reasons. The Pastor seems to have a knack for drama and controversy.
Recently, the lead pastor at the Salvations Healing Ministries was embroiled in drama in Umoja when police were forced to shoot in the air to disperse an angry mob that was baying for his blood after the pastor went to pick the body of his son allegedly sired with a church member.
The neighbours were infuriated with the pastor whom they blamed for child neglect and had now to gone to pick his body after the one year old boy died from suffocation following a fire that gut down the bedsitter he had allegedly rented for the baby’s mom.
Pastor Kanyari (File Photo)
However, the pastor was stopped by angry neighbours. Here’s the drama that ensued as reported by K24;