GOOD LORD: Why Harrison Mumia,The Founder Of Atheism In Kenya,Is The Totally Most Unskilled,Uniformed,Unqualified And Incompetent Person To Speak Out Against God

He’s the de facto voice of godlessness in Kenya; a self-serving,always bitter,attention-loving bespectacled irritant who spends endless hours online dismissing the notion of God but still quoting from the Bible and questioning His fairness.

He’s Harrison Mumia,a man in his early thirties – presumably – with a clean-shaven look,a penchant for nice Italian suits,a rather idle life and a tendency to want to attach everything and anything to the possibility of an existence of a God. Or lack of.

Dangerously obsessed with godlessness,Harrison ties every event or happening to his wayward beliefs and seems to always rope in a different aspect of atheism into every occasion – be it be a European soccer match,the retirement of the Chief Justice,the trial of the Pangani Six,the defection of Ababu Namwamba or a visit from a high ranking foreign dignitary.

If you’ve had the misfortune of following this man on Facebook,like I regrettably do,you will realize that he’s one ball of endless anti-god rants after another. He’s a seriously bitter man,a messed up individual who will waste no time to jump to social media to vent out his anger on the innocent beliefs of millions of human beings.

Arrogantly and prudishly,Mumia behaves like the spoilt class bully,with a haughty attitude and very little reverence for the law or anyone in any form of authority.

From his petulant tone and his grouchy attitude,you can tell that this is a man who has very little to do with God’s existence – or lack thereof – and alot to do with a poor upbringing wrought with disappointments and many, broken dreams.

For instance,last evening,Mumia,the duly elected ‘President’ of the deviant Atheism Community in Kenya,a title he clearly relishes,wrote on his Facebook page that he would RESIGN as President of the AIK (Atheism Community) if France lost the Euro Championship Cup to Portugal.

That statement alone not only trivializes his office by reducing it to a gamble easily dispensable with a soccer game,it also rubbished his faith and supposed firm stance against theism and his commitment to spread the movement to the World.

He could have made any offer. He could have probably promised to lose weight,wear a dress,run across his neighborhood naked or donate money to a Charity in case France lost. Like any other human being.

Instead,he vowed to abdicate his duties as the voice of atheism. He vowed to trade his struggle and movement over a silly match going down thousands of miles away.


That’s how trivially Harrison Mumia handles his duties. How cheaply his carries his responsibilities as the Martin Luther King of Atheism in Kenya.

It’s a shame that anyone with such a cavalier attitude to a matter so grave would ever be elected as President of such a sensitive movement.

And even with the High Court decision that granted – and later denied – legitimacy to his nefarious organization,Mumia went on a whole,juvenile mission,throwing tantrums and beating his chest across the Internet,reducing the fight from a movement thing to a personal endeavor.

Mumia seems to relish trouble – seems to always want to be at loggerheads with society,seems to always want to pick fights for his own sake,seems to never want to shut up or compromise ; a man who will readily whip up a storm over the cheapest of provocations,just to brag around,talk around,move around,be seen,be heard and be admired.

A loudmouth who uses his warped beliefs to attention seek,not to spread his knowledge or discoveries to a World he considers lost and screwed up by religion.

This man has reduced his Facebook account to a series of many thoughtless rants against God and not an update goes up without the now-monotonous hashtag – #‎WithoutGod‬

Even when he’s having coffee with a friend,or lounging by the pool,or sharing a photo of fish,Mumia still must find a way to throw in a despicable comment about God, just to spite believers and to attract backlash – something he definitely loves.

A roguish drama queen who will stop at nothing to cause an Internet furore,Mumia has totally trashed his movement by transforming it into a one-man show led by a brassy clown,cocky joker and mischievous troublemaker.

Mumia dismisses God NOT by quoting instances or laying bare facts that actually prove His inexistence but by making random observations and making general assumptions that DON’T illuminate or bolster his beliefs in any way.

It looks like this whole Atheism business is just a controversial avenue for this little,demented soul to selfishly seek publicity and to appear on TV.

I have never encountered an individual that was more unknowlegable,more incompetent,more ignorant and more clueless on a topic as much as Mumia is.

But by talking loud and talking all the time,Mumia wants to make us believe he has an actual idea of what atheism really is. And he’s never be more wrong.

In fact,Mumia’s whole ideology seems to stem from the fact that God is a merciless destroyer of mankind and therefore doesn’t deserve to be worshiped. Or believed in.

If you keenly follow how this man thinks,you realize he does have a problem with God’s personality. And not a problem with God’s existence as a whole.

Case in point,an update like this ; The lady who survived the Kisii road accident says she will give her life to god. She says god had a purpose for making her survive the grisly accident. I understand how naive she is on matters religion. But I would hate to turn to a god who killed my friends and saves me for a purpose.

Or this ; Am thinking of buying a dog and calling it Jesus Christ, so that every time I say Jesus Christ he will appear.

Clearly,this man is a pointless,aimless noisemaker who seems to want to irritate believers by mocking their God and not teaching these people how fictitious that God is. through a thorough, practical method.

By insulting Jesus Christ and God as a whole,Mumia clearly has a problem with these two Supreme Beings and seems trapped in a past bitterness that won’t be solved by dismissing their existence.

Such an arrogant,reckless infidel should NEVER be allowed to transact the business of sincere atheists in Kenya,leave alone being their Leader.

But thankfully,God is still in the business of forgiving the lost. And the stupid.

About this writer:

Cabu Gah