Ghafla’s Movie Experience At Starflix: Star Trek
Last night my Luhya brother Fox and I went out to Starflix to catch the 8:45pm screening of Star Trek: Into Darkness and trust me when I say it was an experience worth having! Everything about Starflix is inviting! from the staff, to the layout to the screens themselves.
When we got there, we were 10minutes late. but there was no confusion and hurry. If anything, the staff’s calm demeanour calmed us down and reassured us. i believe the lass that we first spoke to was called Angela Mwongeli. Anyway, she was immensely helpful at reassuring us that we weren’t too late.
Then the popcorn lad. I’m ashamed to say i didn’t catch his name. Anyway, he always has a smile for you irrespective of how hard his day has been. i have never had to endure bad service from the lad.
Anyway, away from the team, we checked into the second screen to watch the movie of our chosing and boy was it ever an exciting affair! The screens are clear! Forget those fuzzy and out of focus sorry excuses for a movie you are used to. This one is crystal!
As for the movie, I actually think that the experience enhances whether or not you will enjoy the flick and because I enjoyed the service, I immensely enjoyed the movie. Or maybe it’s because I am an avid Star Trek fan!
For starters, the Antagonists give an awesome performance and in a break from Hollywood monotony, the main villian Khan (plays BBC’s Sherlock Holmes) is superior in intelligence and strength. He is superior to everyone aboard the S.S Enterprise (the Star Trek ship on which the heroes fly). Trust me when I say it makes for an interesting plot, trust me!
Anyway, I don’t do spoilers. So make sure you check out the movie with a friend or with your special someone whomever they be!