GHAFLA POLL RESULTS: Who Is The Sexiest New Socialite?

The Ghafla readers have spoken and while it was a close battle, the sexier lass carried the day. What battle am I talking about? Well, i created a poll attempting to find out which of Kenya’s newest socialites/video vixens is the sexiest.

And inspite of all the dust and hullabaloo being kicked up by the likes of Cindy Ogana talking greasy about such articles Kenyans responded. And thev did in droves and i am honoured. The pseudo-intellectual bullies notwithstanding, Kenyans made their decision and the video-vixen/socialite that Kenyans consider sexy is:


Risper Faith
Votes: 132


Cynthia Kandie
Votes: 112


Angel Maggie
Votes: 16


Maura Malanga
Votes: 24



The winner by a small margin is Risper Faith.

Number of Voters   284
Start Voting   2013-10-16 07:25:38
End Voting   2013-10-17 07:25:38

About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)