GHAFLA POLL RESULT: What Do You Think Of The New Look Kiss TV? Is It A Win Or A Fail?
Yesterday, I sought to find out whether Kenyans like the new look Kiss TV and the feedback was overwhelming. The votes however, were split. The “nays” were nearly overtaking the “ayes”. Simply put, the people who like the new look Kiss TV were barely more than those that do not.
I was asked what my reasoning was for splitting the ayes and I responded that there are some people who just do not give a squirt about telly or Kiss TV whatever the case. And they seem to be more than the people who flat out do not like Kiss TV for one reason or another.
And for those of you who love statistics, this is what the votes betrayed:
It Is Horrible! It Should Never Have Changed – 25.7%
It Is A Good Change – 39.8%
Meh! I still Won’t Watch It – 34.5%