Ghafla Poll: It’s Time To Settle This! Who Is The Funnier Comedian? Churchill Or Jalang’o?
Just who is the funnier comedian? Humour is different to everyone. For instance, I like wit and sarcasm. Most Kenyans like buffoonery and tribal jokes. I will not say which is more superior to the other but I have never honestly subscribed to tribal humour.
Jokes about Luhya’s eating alot and lacking ambition, jokes about Luos having a range that they park outside a hut, or how Kambas cannot dress or how Kikuyus are money hungry offend my sensibilities.
I do not like them. But I know what works for me and what doesn’t.
And this is about you the reader. What type of humour appeals to you? and with that, I have the protagonists of both kinds. there is Churchill who has modeled his career around wit and satire and even dresses the part ergo is a darling at corporate events and their is Jalang’o, the protagonist of tribal humour who even dresses the part.
Who do you the reader consider funny? And please, don’t forget to leave a colourful comment below in the comment section!
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