GHAFLA POLL: Do You Agree With Easy FM Cancelling Homerun?
By the looks of things, Homerun was one of the most popular shows on Easy FM but management has seen fit to scrap it and I cannot say i understand why but I am sure they have a good reason for doing so.
However, this isn’t about them. This is about you as a listener. As the end user of the product. What do you think about the fact that management scraped the show? Are you in agreement with the Easy FM and NMG management that the show needed to be scraped or do you miss the show?
If you were a fan of the show or a fan of Easy Fm then this is for you. Vote and have your say and trust me when I say that the powers that be pay attention to polls such as this. But that aside, do you think the decision to scrap the show should be re-thought and rehashed or do you think it was a wise decision?
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