Ghafla Introduces The New Wedding Show Host: Find Out who It Will Be Here

Out with the old, in with the new. Nonny Gathoni is gone -on to greener pastures on NTV. We at Ghafla wish her nothing but the best. That is a chapter done and dusted. but who is her replacement?


The thing about the wedding show is that it is such a force on it’s own that with or without the lady we had all come to associate with it leaves, the jaggernaut still moves on. and the brains behind the show sat down and decided to deliberate on who was going to be entrusted with being the face of the show.

They searched high, and they searched low. They sought out entertainment sages and finally came up with the lass they want to host the show: Sarah Hassan.

And here are pictures of the lass:









Images courtesy of dressupnation.blogspot and Africa Magic.


About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)