Ghafla Exclusive:Chipukeezy Involved In A Road Accident. Sources Say It Was Another Case Of Drunk Driving (Photos)

News just reaching Ghafla! indicate Churchill Show comedian, Chipukeezy, was involved in a grisly road accident.

Chipukeezy’s car, a blue Toyota Altezza with Tanzanian plates, bears a damaged bumper and burst airbags.

Witness who sent Ghafla! Photos of the accident scene say he highly suspect the comedian was under the influence of alcohol.

Ghafla! Can’t verify his claim. We tried reaching Chipukeezy for a comment but his phone was not going through.

We however contacted Sleepy David, Chipu’s colleague, who told us he wasn’t aware of what really happened.

Sleepy however told us he had contacted Chipukeezy’s girlfriend who told him the comedian was complaining of chest pain.

We will be updating you once we get the scoop. Meanwhile see photos of the wrecked car below;




About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere