GHAFLA EXCLUSIVE: The Man Accused Of Raping Bamboo’s Girlfriend And Stealing His 3 Million Bruce Odhiambo, Speaks Out

Bamboo is a household name. No, not the type of grass but the rapper. He is known in every corner of the country and for good reason -he is behind some of the hottest hits in the country both as a solo performing artist and as a member of the group known as K-South. The rapper alongside his friend and long time collaborator Abbas Kubaff have been responsible for a slew of hits.

But ltoday, he is in the news for a different reason. he is in the news for a crime. he is the accuser and Bruce Odhiambo the accused. Just who is Bruce Odhaimbo? Well, he is one of the biggest names ever to be spoken within the Kenyan entertainment circles. But that’s the thing; within. industry insiders know him and respect him for his accomplishments but to the blind and deaf, he is a mysterious figure. however, his work for TNA’s campaign team is what is under scrutiny here.

While TNA and Jubilee were campaigning, there were artists who performed at their rallies, turning their rallies -albeit for a few minutes- into a free concert. Bruce Odhiambo was the mastermind behind making that machinery work seamlessly.

Bamboo early today came out accusing Bruce of defrauding him of 3 million shillings, monies due to him as payment for a song he performed for the party. He is alleging that Bruce kept the money when he was paid by TNA.
He then takes his accusations a notch higher and accuses him of raping his girlfriend!








I called up Bruce Odhiambo. He has thus far only agreed to speak to Uncle Chim Tuna. Understandable indeed. Anyway, he phad this to say, “Bamboo’s accusation, is nonsense. How well do you know Bamboo? (I replied and said I only know him as an artist and even at that, from his work) Then would he ever command 3 million for a performance? The money he is asking for was never due him. Look, I approached some artists and asked them to make songs for TNA and from the success of the songs, they would get an opportunity to perform. Bamboo and Chiwawa never appeared for any of their performances but Abbas came. He was paid handsomely. Have you heard him complain? Infact, you should call him up!”

“What did you say your name is again? (I replied Uncle Chim Tuna) Alright then Uncle Chim, if I asked my woman to accuse you of rape wouldn’t she? When Bamboo demanded money, I flat out refused to give him a cent because that contradicted our arrangement. He then told me he was going to sully my name. He told me he was going to accuse me of rape. Seems like he lived up to his words.”


The question that now begs is whether he or Bamboo is telling the truth. bamboo’s allegations amount to serious criminal acts. They can have Bruce prosecuted by the state and then imprisoned if found guilty. However, Bruce’s statement also are serious allegations and grounds for a civil suit. If he decided to take Bamboo to task, he could bankrupt the artist if he proved the allegations libelous.

So there you have it, the entire story. Now run and tell the world Uncle Chim Tuna has delivered yet another exclusive.

About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)