GHAFLA EXCLUSIVE: Teacher Wanjiku Show Pulled Off Citizen TV! Find Out Why Here

Citizen TV is the biggest television station in Kenya and with good reason. When Wachira Waruru was tasked with giving it direction, he sought to replicate Equity model and in doing so, he fine tuned it such that it is now a science! You can study the steps and see the genius behind what most other TV network executives thought was madness.

So when it was announced that Teacher Wanjiku would be on the channel, it seemed like quite the coup! It seemed like her exit from Churchill Live was going to turn out alright given she seemed to have landed on a rainbow after what some insiders had told me was a rather acrimonious fallout and subsequent exit. but the dreams seem to have fallen through from all indications.

My astute, able, affable colleague Jeff Omondi noticed that Teacher Wanjiku’s show was not being promoted anymore. He asked me to snoop around and find out whether his suspicions were unfounded. So I made some calls and found my way to some rather well placed sources within Citizen TV.

For starters, the Teacher Wanjiku Show has been pulled off the prime time slot. I reiterate, Teacher Wanjiku will not be be airing on Citizen on Friday… Or Saturday for that matter.
The management team at Citizen sought to respond to the reactions Kenyans had to the show. When I asked for further clarification, I was told -and I quote, “It’s good to be honest and bold. We saw the reaction and decided to be honest. The show needs to be reworked. It was given back to the producers and they were asked to return the show to it’s original format.

Does that mean that we will see it back on Citizen? My source intimated that will be the case but not on prime time. It will have to earn it’s time slot. However, my source made a very good point when he compared the show to Piers Morgan on CNN and said, “Even Piers Morgan was taken off air when it was realized that things weren’t working. Regardless of the best of intentions, when things aren’t working, they just aren’t.


Read Teacher Wanjiku’s comments on the cancellation here.

About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)