Ghafla! Exclusive: Popular Gospel Singer Impregnates 22 Year Old Angel Nyambura Then Threatens to Beat Her Up Amid Other Forms of Harm if She Doesn’t Abort (Evidence)

Lot has been said about his philandering ways. But there has never been concrete evidence to pin down this popular skirt-chaser, till now.

Gospel singer, Ringtone Apoko, is facing some serious accusation from a 22-year-old Angel Nyambura. Apparently the ‘Muziki Ni Dawa’ hit maker forgot to use a condom and now he’s facing the repercussion of unrestrained sexual gratification.

So Angel turned to Ghafla! for help when her efforts to make Ringtone own up to his blunder hit the wall. The lady is facing an uncertain future with a new life growing in her womb now that the man alleged to be responsible for her pregnancy has blatantly disowned her.

Angel provided us screenshots of her conversation with Ringtone to prove she is no stranger to the flourishing gospel singer.

Their chat (Ringtone and Angel’s) dates back to the time when the two were at the height of their romantic escapade.

She also gave us two audio clips. Ringtone is heard threatening and refuting any involvement with the lass’ pregnancy.

Ringtone: Unanikatia simu… Unakata Simu sio?

Angel: Imejikata

Ringtone: Am I supposed to be afraid because venye umeniandikia sijui ati you don’t want my name to be ruined. Am I supposed to be scared?

Angel: Ok ok am not getting…

Ringtone: if am supposed to be scared I want to be very scared

Angel: Ok I know you aren’t scared

Ringtone: And number two, another thing… Wewe unafikiri wewe ndo msichana wa kwanza ameniambia kitu kama hio?

Ringtone kept on arguing with Angel and when the young lady told him she won’t abort, the singer sarcastically thanked her and hanged up the phone.

The screenshots Angel took CONFIRMED the dude he was chatting with was indeed Ringtone Apoko, his number is visible and it’s also the same phone number he uses.

Ghafla! contacted Ringtone and he denied knowing any lady by the name Angel Nyambura. We told him we had evidence and he hanged the phone on us.

Go to the next page to see photos of Angel, the screenshots she sent us and the complete telephone conversation she had with Ringtone;









About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere