GHAFLA EXCLUSIVE: DNA No Longer At Grand Pa Records
All good things must come to an end. And even creative relationships. And this is one such case. DNA feels his working relationship with Grand Pa has run it’s course and it is time to say goodbye but what better way to do that other than to cut off the relationship while both are still ahead.
And Grand Pa released this statement to that effect:
GrandPa Records/GrandPa Government has grown to become a household name all over the continent,DNA has been part of our family,and we are responsible for his succesful come back as the first ever succesful come back of an artist in east africa.and we’ve grown together over the past 2 years we’ve worked with him,he is a very talentd artist.however his contract with Grandpa Records ended in may 2014 under a mutual agreement both parties never intended to renew he’s served and completed his contract professionally no bad blood or rift between Grandpa records and ever Grandpa Records CEO has never been too busy for DNA or to release a joint statement between Grandpa records and DNA as it was reported earlier today.he still have unreleased songs at our stable which will be released according to arrangement between the label and him.We at GrandPa Records,artists,producers and staff wish dennis waweru kaggia a.k.a DNA all the best in his endevours,GOD bless the work of his hands.
We at Ghafla are wishing DNA nothing but the best in his future endeavours.