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Willi Roi’s Death Too Shocking – Zylofon Media PRO

Ghanaians last night were hit by the unfortunate news of the sudden death of music legend and head of the Zylofon Arts Club ,Willi Roi.

Many including his colleagues at Zylofon Media have since expressed their shock at the news and have been eulogizing him on the various social media platforms.

One notable among them is the Head of Communications for Zylofon Media, Sammy Atuobi

Baah popularly known as Sammy Flex.

According to him, the death of one of its tireless officials, Willi Roi is too shocking.

Willi Roi reportedly died on Sunday, February 10, in his apartment at the Royal Richester Hotel at East Legon in Accra.

Reports indicate that security personnel broke into his room after he did not come out the whole

day and found his lifeless body.


In an interview with Showbiz on Monday, February 11, Sammy Baah said although Willi Roi had

not been feeling too well, they didn’t think the illness was that serious for him to die.

According to him, his death is not only a big blow to Zylofon Media but the entire entertainment


“Despite his utterances Willi Roi did a great job in the entertainment industry. He worked with so many great artistes including Femi Kuti and Daddy Lumba,” he said.

Sammy Baah said a team from Zylofon Media would visit the Police Hospital where Willi Roi’s

body has been deposited, at 10 am on Monday to get some answers into his death.

“The death of Willi Roi still remains strange to us and we are asking the police to do an autopsy to ascertain the cause of his death before his body is handed over to his family,” he said.

For Sammy Baah, the death was a heavy blow considering the fact that Zylofon Media was

already going through some challenges.

“It is very unfortunate we have lost an influencer like Willi Roi at the time the company is going through difficult times. We actually wish it was not true but it’s unfortunate it is true,” he said

He described the music producer as a team player who was so passionate about his work.

Willi Roi, who was a musician, songwriter, producer among others, had about 40 years

experience in the showbiz industry. He was an outspoken pundit on Zylofon’s morning show, Showbiz Agenda.

His comments sometimes offended people’s sensibilities and there were calls for him to be

sacked. Although he was taken off the show for a while, he was reinstated and remained his outspoken self until his death.

Meanwhile, all kinds of speculations are going on on social media about what could have killed him.

Closing Down Zylofon Media Will Make Many Unemployed –  Sammy Flex 

The Head of Communication at Zylofon Media, Samuel Atuobi Baah, popularly known as

Sammy Flex has hit hard at people, especially political parties which according to him

are trying their best to bring down Zylofon Media just for their political gains.

Sammy Flex is of the view that the two giant political parties in the country (NPP and NDC),

are just trying to ride on the current predicament of the embattled gold dealership firm,

MenzGold  to score some very cheap and unnecessary political points.

Speaking on his ‘Showbiz Agenda’ entertainment review show on Zylofon FM this yesterday,

he questioned the motive behind the press conferences which were called by the New Patriotic

Party and the National Democratic Congress yesterday, January 16, 2019.


According to Sammy, the only thing that these events achieved was to cause more pain

and horror for the customers who have their savings with the company.

The radio and TV presenter also stated that he was quite shocked yesterday when he heard

a communication person ask why Zylofon Media was still operating. In his submission,

he asked this unknown communication person if he has any company out there which

will be able to absorb or give all the people the company employs work once it is shut

down as he wants.

Sammy made the point that unlike him, many people the company employs may have a

problem and a challenge to get a job once the entertainment company is closed and as such,

he asked those who are going on the rampage with the call for the shut down of the

company should tone down a little.

We Would’ve Failed If We Had Organized Ghana Movie Awards 2018 – Zylofon Media

The Head of Communication at Zylofon Media, Samuel Atuobi Baah known in showbiz as

Sammy Flex has revealed the main reason why their outfit, Zylofon Media, decided to

disassociate themselves from last year’s edition of the Ghana Movie Awards even though they

had bought the franchise to organize the event for ten years from Fred Nuamah.

Speaking on his entertainment review show dubbed ‘Showbiz Agenda’ on Zylofon FM during the

Wednesday, January 9, 2018 edition, Sammy Flex said that they felt that they were not fully

prepared to organize an awards event that was befitting of their status as Zylofon Media and

as such, the decision they took.


Sammy Flex also added that even though they at Zylofon Media felt it would have been a big

failure if they had organized the awards last year, Fred Nuamah, the CEO of the awards

scheme thought otherwise.

He ended by stating that because they couldn’t reach an agreement with Fred on the need to

hold on with the awards for the last, they had to release a statement to disassociate themselves

from the awards which took place on December 30, 2018, and give Fred Nuamah the go-ahead

to organize it because he felt he was ready.