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10 Surefire Signs That Your Ex (Secretly) Wants You Back

Are you confused because your ex keeps sending you mixed messages?

He calls, and then disappears.

He says he is over you, but keeps in touch with your family.

And that makes getting over him and mending your broken heart a million times harder.

Inside you feel that there’s something going on:

Maybe your ex wants you back? Could it be that you can get back together?

How can you know?

On the other hand, you don’t want to fool yourself that your ex wants you back.

False hopes can leave you broken-hearted for the second time – from the same guy. It won’t be pretty.

How to Know if Your Ex Wants You Back?

To help you figure out, see these 10 signs that you ex wants you back, divided into 2 possible situations:

1. If you still keep in touch (The “just friends” horrific zone)

2. If you are in a “no contact” situation.

1. Your ex contacts you frequently, without any encouragement by you. He either calls you, texts you (more than once a week though), or sends you private messages on Facebook.

2. Your ex keeps sharing his life with you. He talks (or writes) a lot about himself and about new things that happen in his life.

3. Your ex is interested in what you are doing, who you are seeing and if you are dating someone else. He seems jealous if you do.

4. Your ex makes sure that you know that you are the first person he tells all the significant stuff in his  life.

5. Your ex keeps mentioning that he is not dating anyone else, or that he is not interested in meeting someone new.

6. Your ex asks for your advice (and approval) before he makes any major decision.

7. Your ex seems to show up everywhere you go. Even when not everywhere, but in many places.

8. Your ex flatters you, tells you how good-looking you are and calls you “baby” “honey” etc.

9. Your ex seems to put a lot of effort in his looks when he meets you. He looks hot every time you see him.

10. Your ex touches you. He tends to put his arms around you and look for other opportunities for a physical contact with you.

2. If You’re in a No-Contact Situation

1. Your ex keeps in touch with your friends and/or your family – frequently.

2. When your ex meets someone who knows you, he asks a million questions about you, and if you are seeing anyone new.

3. Your ex “accidentally” shows up in places he knows he’ll meet you. And I mean more than once.

4. Your ex’s friends “happen to mention” that he or she is not dating anyone new.

5. Your ex likes or comments on your Facebook status updates.

6. Your ex shows signs of missing you through gloomy Facebook status updates, like “my life feels so empty”, or “I’m so tired of this world”.

7. You bump into your ex one day and he seems to know everything about your life (after the breakup): What you’re doing, who you’re seeing etc.

8. Your ex drunk-dials, texts or emails you. The alcohol has given him the courage to show you that you are still on his mind.

9. Your ex doesn’t want to return some of your stuff.

10. Your ex is upset and mad if you are the one that doesn’t want to stay in contact.


10 Signs Your Girlfriend Is Cheating On You

Remember when you were young and you thought love was this invincible, bulletproof force that was immune to outside influence, impervious to evil and capable of overcoming all obstacles? And, then you found out your girlfriend was sleeping with your best friend since a week after you met, and that bubble was ruptured, never to be restored again.

Sorry. Maybe we got a little personal on that one. Maybe, you’re one of the lucky few who remains a fool for love, and the wool has yet to wear away before your eyes. We hate to single-handedly destroy your remaining naivete, but women do cheat. Thankfully, more often than not, these kind of things don’t often happen without some sort of warning. Or in some cases, many.

Here are intimations of infidelity that should tentatively raise flags:

1. She isn’t making plans for the future

If you look in your iPhone’s calendar, are the upcoming months looking unusually devoid of commitments? None of her 200 cousins has a wedding planned, you’ve yet to confirm any plans for your accrued vacation days, and hell, you haven’t even heard about one of those double dates with her best friend she usually forces you to pencil in each month.

It’s possible she’s overwhelmed at work or otherwise preoccupied; it’s also possible she’s plotting an escape and is hesitant to extend any invitations knowing she’ll eventually have to rescind them. Or, even worse, she’s too invested in someone new to realize she’s been neglecting your shared social schedule.

2. She pays more attention to her phone than you

If you inevitably spend every dinner glaring at her as she pivots between various social networks and replies to every text message that springs up, don’t be too quick to write her behavior off as a sign of the times.

Sure, we’re all guilty of being so overly engrossed in our digital lives that we neglect the present moment. But if she makes a continual habit of talking to her Twitter followers more than you during dinner dates, it may point to her lack of investment in the relationship, not just her fleeting attention span. We don’t want to say she might be spending your night together making plans with someone else, but stranger things have happened.

3. She accumulating new clothes at higher rates than usual

If your girl goes into makeover mode and tears through the mall like Sonic the Hedgehog on a mission, you should take notice. Most women have an affinity for retail, but if her shopping takes on a rabid focus seemingly out of nowhere, you should ask yourself why she has become invested in reinventing herself.

Again, it’s about a departure from the norm. If your girl normally puts on a full face of make-up to run errands, don’t think twice about her putting on mascara to go to the dry-cleaners. But if she’s a sweats-and-Chapstick type of chick, and she suddenly starts taking an hour to get ready to go out (particularly, without you), you have a reason to worry.

4. She’s less interested in sex

Every couple has sex routines. Maybe three times a week is your norm; maybe you get it in every night. But if your norm inexplicably changes, and you find you’re battling a new excuse every night, you may want to investigate what lies at the root of the issue. Is she really too tired (every damn night)? Has your sex life just gotten that boring? Or, is she simply disinterested in humping you…because she’s getting it elsewhere?

We’re not saying you should draw wild conclusions from a single “not tonight,” but be aware of what normal looks like so you know when your sex schedule diverges from it, and take the time to discuss what the real issue is.

5. She’s overly concerned with your whereabouts

Remember when you first met and every day was peppered with a constant exchange of flirty, borderline-salacious text messages? It’s normal for your text game to fall off from that initial honeymoon phase, but if she takes hours to respond without explanation, and can’t muster up an ounce of enthusiasm when she does, it’s not a good look for your relationship.

There’s a real possibility she’s under stress at work, or just in an emotional rut. But if you’re able to rule that out (which you can do with a few simple questions) and you notice she rarely takes the initiative to text—and if she does, it’s to ask where you are—she might be tracking your whereabouts for less than innocent reasons. We hate to be the ones to say it, but she’s not suddenly interested in the minutiae of your day—she’s covering her ass.

6. She falls off the radar for large gaps of time

So, she disappeared for five hours for the third time in a week and blamed it on falling asleep, and you actually believed her? That’s cute. We guess what they say is true—love is actually blind.

We hate to be the ones to pry those stubborn eyelids open, but if your girl goes M.I.A. for days at a time, you need to stop making excuses and start getting answers.

7. She makes a point to say she’s unhappy

It’s easy to misinterpret any of the aforementioned signals as infidelity when in actuality, there is a perfectly reasonable explanation. But, if you start noticing that the signs are slowly piling up, and she’s recently admitted she’s no longer happy in the relationship, you might be on the verge of a full-fledged confession.

Guilt is a tricky emotion, and she might feel that by fessing up to her flailing satisfaction in the relationship, she is offering you (and herself) an explanation for her selfish actions. Or, she could be gearing up to act on a long-held impulse, and making her excuses in advances so she can later utter, “I told you so,” with aplomb.

8. She flirts with other people in front of you

This points to larger issues of being attention-starved, having an insatiable ego, and otherwise being insecure. But more notably, if she’s comfortable batting her eyes at other people in front of you, what is she doing when you’re not there?

9. Her social calendar is suddenly bursting at the seams

Saturdays used to be your day. Nothing was said, no plans were made; it was just assumed that you’d be spending time together. But lately, it seems something more important to her comes up each week. Your weekly dates are no longer set in stone, and everything and everyone else takes precedent.

If you see your quality time slowly dwindling away, it absolutely points to her waning interest in the relationship, and it could mean she has transferred her affections elsewhere, or is at least entertaining the thought.

Independence is healthy, but a new-found focus on partying with her friends could mean she’s putting herself out there again and is seriously considering pulling the plug on your love

10. She starts pointing fingers in your direction

If your previously secure girlfriend suddenly goes into paranoia mode, you should take notice. If she snaps at you over seemingly innocent actions (basically, anything on this list, but in small, completely commonplace increments), she might be trying to throw you off her scent. By focusing your attention to your perceived failings, you’ll be less apt to interrogate her about her actual foul play, which is just the way she’d like it.


5 Vital Signs To Know If It’s Love Or Lust

Love is an intense feeling of affection toward another person. It’s a profound and caring attraction that forms emotional attachment. On the flip side, lust is a strong desire of a sexual nature that is based on physical attraction. Lust can transform into deep romantic love, but it usually takes time.

Pure lust is based solely on physical attraction and fantasy–it often dissipates when the “real person” surfaces. It’s the stage of wearing rose colored glasses when he or she “can do no wrong.” Being in love doesn’t exclude lust. In fact, lust can lead to love.

Whether you’re in a relationship already or admiring someone from afar, sorting out your feelings for someone can be a real challenge. While there’s no clear, foolproof way to make the distinction for someone else, you can at least make the distinction clearer for yourself.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to rip your partner’s clothes off on a whim (it can definitely make for a hot relationship), but whether or not there’s a deeper love will determine the commitment level. Knowing the difference between love and lust will help you better understand just how romantically involved you envision being with your partner for the long term. And, what’s more, it’ll give you a good idea of just how to feel towards your partner, regarding his or her flaws and how they effect you.

There are no hard and fast rules, but there are a few ways you can tell the difference between love and lust.

Signs to know if it’s Love Or Lust

1.Is he/she the first in your mind or an option

If he’s the first person you think of when you find yourself with an extra ticket to an awesome sold out concert, it’s love. If you’d rather just stop by after the show when you’re sweaty, full of adrenaline, and want a quickie, it’s lust.

2.What Are Your Thoughts Of Him?

If you can genuinely see him as the father of your future children and you choose your favorite names based on what goes well with his last name, it’s love. If the thought of having his baby makes you chuckle and shake your head before you swallow your birth control pill, it’s lust.

3.Love To Be In Public Places Or Not

If you’re seen in public with him on a regular basis and it’s obvious you two are more than friends, it’s love. If you prefer to spend the majority of your time with him in bed, it’s lust.

4.Argument time

If you try to avoid fighting whenever possible and talk about your issues openly and rationally, it’s love. If you don’t mind having huge screaming matches because, well, make up sex, it’s lust.

5.  Rate Your Sexual Life

If cuddling after sex is half the fun, it’s love. If you have a get in and get out type of arrangement, it’s lust.


Six Signs That Tell Your Best Guy Friend Is In Love With You

It is extremely common to have a best friend of the opposite sex, no matter your age. There might come a time in your friendship when you start to wonder whether your best friend wants to be more than friends. If this happens, be on the lookout for signs that can help you determine whether they’re becoming romantically interested in you, or if your relationship will stay as friends.

The best way to tell if your ‘buddy’ has fallen for you is by paying close attention to his behaviours. How do you know if your best friend likes you as just a friend or … worse, that he’s fallen for you?

Watch out for these 6 signs:

1)Shows Signs Extreme Of Jealousy

Has your best friend’s behavior suddenly changed to extreme jealousy to the point that he gets very jealous when he sees you talking to someone else from the opposite sex happily and even tries his best sometimes to divert your attention back to him? Then you may have to be on the lookout for love.

2)He Gets Angry Whenever You Talk About Your Boyfriend

A platonic friend will pay attention to anything you have to say about your boyfriend. He may even ask you how he’s doing and if you’ve heard from him within the day but when your best friend begins to avoid hearing you talk about your boyfriend, becomes angry or uneasy when you talk about your special someone, then lookout. You might just be dealing with someone in love with you.

3) Suddenly Begins To Avoid Ever Meeting Your Boyfriend

Your buddy suddenly doesn’t want to come into contact with your ‘boo’, without any misunderstanding or proper excuse, and begins to turn down any kind of invitation from you that includes ‘boo’ but will want to go out or spend more time with you alone. He wants you all to himself.

4)He Is Constantly Checking Up On You

All of your friends are interested in your life and want to hear about the big and happy moments, but not all of them keep a running calendar of everything you’re doing every day. When your best friend does, he’d actually prefer to be your boyfriend. He not only remembers the day that you were presenting but wishes you luck and then also checks in afterward. Being this highly invested in someone else’s life means that you have to be thinking about them a lot, and he clearly is. He wants to prove to you that he cares about you even more than your boyfriend.

5)His Girlfriend Hates You

When you have a truly platonic guy friend, you might even be friends with his girlfriend. Or she might tolerate the friendship but keep a pretty close eye on it. But she doesn’t hate you. She hates you when she can tell that his feelings for you are not merely platonic ones. Your feelings might be platonic, but women are extremely good at picking up on those sort of vibes (as you probably know.) It might be the amount of time he spends with you or talks to you on the phone. When your buddy’s babe begins to show you attitude, then you’ve got to watch out.

6)He’s Never Ignored liking And Commenting On Your Posts

He’s always the first to like and comment on anything you post on social media. Even when no one likes something you post on social media, he will do so and even add an encouraging statement. ALL the time.