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2019 Norvikporgbe-Za Launched

The Chiefs and people of Kedzi in the Keta Municipality have launched this year’s Norvikporgbe-Za.

This year’s festival is under the theme “Harnessing local resources for socio-economic development.”

Norvikporgbe-Za is annual event which takes place around the Easter period.

It serves as both a harvest celebration and a homecoming for people who have left the community.

Speaking at the launch of the festival in Accra, the Dufia of Kedzi, Togbui Joachim Acolatse V

said the Kedzi community has several investment opportunities which can be harnessed by

investors both local and foreign.

He urged Ghanaians to invest in Kedzi especially the Keta sea port project expected to

be implemented by the Akufo-Addo led government.


“We the chiefs and people of Kedzi have a dream that will include harnessing our natural resources for our socio-economic development. We’re therefore calling on all stakeholders to join us make our dream come true.

We cordially invite you all to this year’s grand durbar of the chiefs and people during the Easter and especially on April 20 where you will have a feel of the hospitality of our people,” he said.

On her part, the Minister for Fisheries and Aquaculture Development, Elizabeth Afoley

Quaye said plans are far advanced for the construction of the sea port at the Keta municipality.

This according to her is because, President Akufo-Addo has already signed an executive

instrument to that effect.

“It is easy to know that setting up a port in Keta will reduce unemployment drastically and attract foreign investment into the area. The new port will also mean an increase in the harvesting of fish since there will be special landing site available. This means a boom in the fishing business and some can be exported outside the country.

Apart from that, with the discovery of oil, more exploration can be done and this will also be beneficial to the people.” She added.

Member of Parliament for Keta, Richard Quashigah, chiefs

and elders from the Kedzi community, stakeholders, residents and other dignitaries were there to grace the occasion.