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5 Health Benefits Of Music You Probably Did Not Know

Majority of the human populace listen to and love music.However, only few people know that it actually has health benefits.

Music is an abstract stimulus. While it is not essential for survival, it has persisted through many cultures and generations. It has the ability to bring pleasure to many individuals and affect their emotions.

Besides the basic entertainment music provides to consumers, researchers have found that music plays a huge role in the health on well being of people.

Listening to music increases dopamine, which helps reduce blood pressure. Music improves mental and athletic performance, helps with many aspects of mental health, and even reduces blood pressure.

Although music’s value is not related to an association with any physical reward, its value is still high. Music is its own reward.

Music is also used as therapy, involving musical interaction. Patients listen to music, play instruments, sing and write songs, or even discuss themes related to music.

However, its benefits are mostly dependent on the individual’s perception. Additionally, since it is not possible to have double-blind studies of music’s effects, the results of various trials may be biased.

There are many different types of music. Each different genre causes a different effect.

For example, critical listening of techno music causes a significant increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and stress hormones (like norepinephrine).

Meanwhile, slow tempo music may be beneficial to the heart. Classical music lowers blood pressure, heart rate, and tension.

Ghana can boast of several music genres from traditional music, to high life, afrobeats, hiplife, rap, among others.

Music is used at almost every event or gathering in Ghana. You probably use music in your daily activities, while you’re working, relaxing, biking or generally just living.

Below are five health benefits of music you probably never knew;

1. Eases pain

In studies of patients recovering from surgery, those who listened to music before, during, or after surgery had less pain and more overall satisfaction compared with patients who did not listen to music as part of their care.

2. Reduces stress

Research has shown that listening to ‘relaxing’ music (generally considered to have slow tempo, low pitch, and no lyrics) has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety in healthy people and in people undergoing medical procedures (e.g., surgery, dental, colonoscopy).

When you hear music to your liking, the brain actually releases a chemical called dopamine that has positive effects on mood. Listening to music you enjoy decreases levels of the stress hormone cortisol in your body, which counteracts the effects of chronic stress.

This is an important finding since stress causes 60% of all our illnesses and disease. One study showed that if people actively participated in making music by playing various percussion instruments and singing, their immune system was boosted even more than if they passively listened. To stay calm and healthy during a stressful day, turn on the radio. Be sure to sing along and tap your feet to the beat to get the maximum healing benefit.

3. Improves memory

Research has shown that the repetitive elements of rhythm and melody help our brains form patterns that enhance memory. In a study of stroke survivors, listening to music helped them experience more verbal memory, less confusion, and better focused attention.

It is common to see students use music while they study. For some people, they will be distracted, however, several people have argued and or testified that it is easier for them to recollect when they study with music. Music enjoyment elicits dopamine release. And dopamine release has been tied to motivation, which in turn is implicated in learning and memory.

4. Music helps you eat less

Do you have issues with your eating habit? Do you feel like you eat far beyond your “normal” food consumption, for reason such as panics, stress, emotional trauma, or other reasons? Then worry no more. Music can help you control your eating habits. Research has shown that softening the lighting and music while people ate led them to consume fewer calories and enjoy their meals more. If you’re looking for ways to curb your appetite, try dimming the lights and listening to soft music the next time you sit down for a meal, and you will be more aware of and mindful of fullness cues.

5. Soothes premature babies

Live music and lullabies may impact vital signs, improve feeding behaviors and sucking patterns in premature infants. It may as well increase prolonged periods of quiet–alert states.