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Lifestyle: 10 Signs Your Relationship Has What It Takes To Last Forever

There’s a saying that there is nothing like a perfect relationship. Every relationship, no matter how juicy it may look outside has its own ups and downs.

Relationships can be tough and go through all kinds of different changes, from life changes to stressful changes.

Some couples have a bond that is unbreakable and seem to be perfect together but how you handle your relationship and all the things that life throws at you can tell you how well your relationship will last.

Below are some reassuring signs that your relationship has what it takes to last forever and can stand the test of time;

1. You trust each other

A relationship without trust is not strong. If the both of you trust each other then the relationship is certain to be strong.

Couples who trust each other have each other’s back and do not keep secrets. They behave in ways that better each other and the relationship.

Trust is very essential in a relationship.

2. Strong Communication

Communication is very vital in maintaining a relationship. No relationship can happen without communication.

When communication begins to break down, that’s where the relationship begins to break down as well.

Couples must be able to talk about their emotions, the things that bother them and even the good things.

3. You are best friends

A good and strong relationship starts with friendship and couples that last long are usually best friends.

Respect each other

Respect is reciprocal and it is another key to a blossoming relationship. Men really have an issue with disrespect so you must know his boundaries and his dislikes. You must respect it.

Women also love to be respected and appreciated and feel frustrated when disrespected. Learn more each other and respect boundaries.


4. Solve issues in a matured way

There is no relationship without arguments and you must learn to solve issues in a matured way.

Don’t snap out of anger and make hasty decisions. If you want your relationship to last forever, them solve arguments in a matured way.

Strong communication is key to a relationship that lasts forever.

5. You make each other happy

Staying with those that make you happy is what everyone needs in life. There are many ways of making each other happy in a relationship.

6. You support each other

You have to be supportive of each other goals and aspirations. When one partner is successful in a business or any other venture, you must be happy for them.

To make a relationship last forever, you must be happy for each others successes.

7. You accept each other’s past

Every individual has a past but it shouldn’t affect the present or future. Nobody is perfect in this world and one must learn to get over the past.

It doesn’t matter how many people you have dated or been with, dwell in the present for a better future.

8. Being Intimate

Intimacy is not all about sexual encounters but both parties must be satisfied when it takes place. Physical intimacy between couples should make them feel good, desired and loved.

It can be a kiss, snuggling on the couch or holding hands. Having mutual physical intimacy is a great way to know your relationship is on track to last forever.

9. You share common goals

You want to start a family together, you want to own a house, you want to live somewhere on the coast: these are common goals. Even if you don’t have the same goals, the goals that you do have are complementary.

10. When you have a common goal, your relationship will stay strong.

Having a healthy relationship is something to be proud of. It is normal to fight, get frustrated and feel like throwing in the towel.

Nothing that is worth it is easy. It takes work but it will always be beneficial in the end.

Five (5) Things Wives Should Know About Mistresses

Quite often people talk about mistresses with disgust. But let’s be clear, there’s never a good excuse for engaging in an affair with someone who is married. But it does happen.

Mistresses are just like any other woman in the world. They don’t necessarily need to be vilified.

And at the end of the day, women who become mistresses or “the other woman” are our daughters, sisters, aunts, mothers, wives, and neighbors.


1. She probably never planned on being a mistress.

Every adult is accountable for their own actions. Of that there is no doubt. Unfortunately, sometimes circumstances and poor decisions can lead to affairs.

It’s not likely on the goal list of any woman to get wrapped up in an affair with a married man and potentially lose her career, credibility, friends, or — in some extreme cases — her life because of it. Not to mention, some women who have affairs are also married and have families of their own that they are jeopardizing by getting involved in an affair.

Many women end up being the other woman by having a “fling” with a man with whom they never intended on being with on a regular basis. They may or may not have known the man was married, but they went ahead anyway, later ending up infatuated or in love.

There are women out there who don’t have a problem dating married men and seem to have little regret about it, but generally speaking, this is not usually the case.

Many times, a husband will make promises that can string a mistress along until so much time passes that it becomes difficult for her to break it off. A husband may even go so far as to tell the mistress he’s separated or in the process of a divorce when this is not the case. If a mistress is in love, she may not want to end it, even if she knows it’s wrong.

2. She Feels Guilty

Yes, believe it or not, a mistress does feel guilt. If she is aware of the fact that her lover is married, she goes through all the normal emotions associated with guilt on a daily basis, such as sadness and depression.

A mistress feels guilty when her lover chooses to spend time with her on a weekend, knowing there is a wife and possibly children waiting at home. She feels guilty when she hears other people talk about cheating spouses. She feels guilty when she watches movies about adultery.

Guilt is the permanent ghost that accompanies a mistress throughout the entire affair and afterward.

That said, many mistresses are totally unaware that their lover is married. Many men go to great lengths to hide the fact that they are married. If a husband can have an affair and betray the woman he married, then he is capable of telling multiple lies, both to the wife and mistress.

Bottom Line: Unless a woman is a sociopath, she feels guilty for crossing the line, just like any normal human being would.

3. She gets jealous

If a woman has become a mistress and she knows that her lover is married, then most certainly she feels jealous. She feels jealous every time he walks out the door. Surely, she knows he is going home to another woman. She knows her lover has another life at his home which she will never be a part of.

Unless she has a family of her own, a mistress’s life is usually pretty lonely, emphasized by the fact that her heart probably sinks just thinking of what her lover is doing at home with his wife and family. She feels jealous that he shares a bed with his wife and will never know the true level of intimacy that’s going on despite what she’s been told.

Some mistresses even have children with their married lovers. Imagine what a complicated web that must be.

There’s no doubt that a mistress feels envious that her lover’s relationship with his wife is not a secret to the world like hers most likely is. One thing that many mistresses crave more than anything is validation that her relationship with her lover is real. Sneaking around in secrecy is not the ideal for having a healthy, long-term relationship.

A mistress, like any other woman, wants her lover to be proud of her, to tell their friends about her, and for them to have the desire to tell the whole world how much they love her.

4. She fell in love with the wrong person

Well, this is a no-brainer, but unfortunately, love and lust are blind. A woman who ignores repeated red flags because of love or lust will eventually find out she has picked the wrong person to be with.

A mistress is bound to come to this realization sooner or later. She may choose to stay in the affair long after she’s realized her mistake for any number of reasons including denial, fear, and, of course, love.

Falling for the wrong person happens to all of us. It happens to single women dating single men. It happens to women who fall in love with married men. And ithappens to the wife of a husband who is having an affair. It happens to same-sex couples as well.

The point is, most likely the mistress already knows she has made a huge mistake and only stays in the affair because she thinks her lover wants to be with her. Of course, some women may not be that emotionally attached to their lovers, but I would guess that most are, especially in long-term affairs that carry on for years.


5. She may believe there’s a future

How many women fall for a man and believe most of what he says? We’ve all done it at some point or another. If a woman knows her lover is married or found out at some point after she already fell for him, then there is no doubt she has been sweet-talked and promised to hundreds of times.

It’s fairly common for a cheating husband to tell his mistress that he is miserable in his marriage and wants to get out. This may or may not be true, but whether or not he does get out of the marriage, is another thing. If there are children involved or if the husband does truly want to be with his wife, then he won’t make the steps to leave the marriage

A mistress has already placed herself in a vulnerable position, so if she is in love with the man she is having the affair with, she will make excuses for him, and probably suffers from deep denial. It may take months or even years for a mistress to realize that a man is not going to leave his wife for her. If he was, he would have done it sooner than later.

Hanging on to an affair in hopes that a man will leave his wife is something many mistresses do, and if there are years that pass by, she becomes more invested in the relationship, and also more comfortable within the lie. The affair becomes her normal. The secrecy becomes her normal, and in many cases, she will self-medicate or behave destructively to alleviate the guilt and shame.

Being the mistress is not glamorous. An affair may start out as a thrilling, romantic whirlwind, but it almost always ends up a depressing, disheartening situation.



10 Things Ghanaian Girls Would Say Instead Of ‘I Love You’

Women, by nature are shy to be the ones to propose especially Ghanaian women. Although this act seems to be depreciating, there is still a greater number of Ghanaian women who wouldn’t dare to propose to men. Instead, they devise their own ways of doing so and then comes the part they have to admit that they are in love with a guy. They just can’t tell you to your face “I love you” because of some archaic societal norms.

No matter how much they have fallen for a guy, they will still beat around the bush whiles using shyness as the excuse to express their feelings.

Luckily, there are several expressions they use when they are into you and want you to approach them with a love proposal.

Here are 10 basic things Ghanaian Girls Say Instead Of ” I Love You”.

1. ‘ I don’t want your girlfriend to come and beat me o!’

Women are clever creatures. She wants to know if it’s safe for her to keep crushing on you. You know not every lady want to share a man. She asks you that question to find out if you have a girlfriend or not.

2. ‘Is there a light in your house?’

This expression really came up when Ghana experienced the power shortage (Dumsor). It’s no surprise she may not have a light in her house —but the issue here is, why you?

She most likely has girlfriends she could have easily visited but she chose to call you and ask that. The answer is simple. This means she wants to come over to your house and hang out, but she is looking for an excuse to avoid making it obvious.

3. ‘You can’t even call me sometimes’

Genuinely it could be she just wants to hear from you but 9 out of 10 times, She misses you and wish you are in her life. Don’t miss the chance bro. ‘You can’t even call me sometimes’ is the code for ‘I miss you’.

4. The little thing you do, then she gets angry

She gets angry easily with the little things you do. Little things you do she gets pissed at you. If you decide to ignore her too she gets angry. Look closer, she is definitely in love with you. She is just frustrated you don’t see it.

5. ‘Won’t you come and take me out?’

If she keeps nagging you with ‘Won’t you come and take me out. It’s her own way of asking you to ask her on a date.

6. ‘You just forgot about me’

When a lady friend of yours keep asking you this, it means she wants you in her life. She wants you to keep thinking about her and possibly ask her out. Don’t miss this chance. It’s her way of saying “I miss you”

7. ‘Have you eaten?

Bro, she is not your mother neither is she your wife so why always that question. Look sharp. She is communicating something to you. She cares about you a lot and wants you to see it.

8. ‘I hate you’

One thing about Ghanaian ladies is that they are the queens when it comes to reversed psychology. The constants ‘I hate you’ is her way of telling you she loves you.

9. ” How is your family”

It’s normal for her to ask once in a while if your family is ok. But if it becomes an obsession, then she is telling you she wishes to meet them in a special way one day. She is definitely sending you ” I love you ” message.

10. She keeps judging your appearance”

When what you wear and how you look constantly matters to her. She is indirectly tailoring you to fit her desires. Be bold and tell her what you think about her. She has already fallen for you.

These are some of the ways a Ghanaian ladies say ” I love you’ or already in love with you. She just needs you to take the first step.

Are there some other ways we missed? Let’s get interactive in the comment section. We can always update the list.


5 Reasons Why Women Fall For Bad Guys

It is usually said that women love bad guys and mostly fall for them.

But why do most women fall for the worst of guys when there are good men waiting for them?

Why do women have to have at least one bad experience before finding the right man for them? What explains their weird and unjustified interest in guys who are not right for them and can be classified as playboys or bad guys’?

Before learning the lesson and taking interest in the right kind of guys, women tend to waste their time after those I-am-not-ready-for-anything-serious kinds of guys. There is something about these players that attracts women to them despite of the clear signs of them being time-wasters.

Here are five reasons why women fall in love with the wrong guys:

1. Nice Is Boring:

Our guilty pleasures don’t make us feel so guilty, do they? There is something inherently boring about nice things; they are plain with no ups and downs to make us feel alive. Although there can be committed relationships with fun it but fun is a lot easier to attain with guys who don’t care. Girls fall in love with such guys in hopes of changing their minds while having all the fun, only to be told at the end that ˜it is time we part ways’. And then they cry which is only partially justifiable.

The adrenaline rush and those absolutely thrilling dates which you know will be followed by amazing sex are what make women look past the good guys. Either good guys need to up their game or women need to be a little patient to have fun.

2. They Are A Challenge:

Once familiar with the arrogant, ˜too cool to care’ guy, girls take it as a challenge to change the way they are. They want to tame the shrewd and make a perfect love story while doing so, where the guy who did not believe in love before has now fallen in love with the same girl who he loathed. Women know, too, that they are stepping in the wrong room but they do it anyway in hopes of making it right before stepping out, only that happens very rarely and it is she who gets hurt big time.

3. The Run:

Relationships with bad guys are like loops; they give you attention, a lot of it, then take it away and make you beg for it until they decide to give it back. Bad guys make sure you run after them and no matter how much you hate it, you signed up for it, for them, so you keep chasing them. When, after a long run, you finally get them back, that happiness is what makes you want to do it again and every other time he runs away.

4. Some Never Learn:

After all the drama and being left heartbroken by jerk(s), some women never learn the lesson and end up falling for the same kind of guy again. Most tragically, some end up marrying such guys while the world sees and sympathizes with her. Such women keep forgiving the shortcomings and faults of such men lowering their self-respect all in the name of love. Love is blind, indeed, but you should never let it make you dumb enough to not see what is happening.

You should also check  8 Mistakes You Might Be Making By Ditching The ‘Nice Guy’

What made men the way they are is a whole different story. There are bad fish in the sea but you can always build a taste for the good ones and be able to tell the difference between the two. And if you think that you are love struck with the wrong guy, try to pull out and imagine how much better you would love the right guy.

5. They Are Hotter:

Women tend to associate physical attractiveness with good skills in bed which is a major reason of their interest in the bad, popular guys. They are hot and condescending and that is enough for some to forget about every other guy they have met no matter how nice. Some women have the life is too short’ philosophy which does not let them be with guys who take too long to take them to the bedroom.

Everybody wants a lifelong love but what they also want is someone who would explore their lustful side, their sexualities with them. All of it comes gift-wrapped with a bad guy which can be availed in the beginning of the relationship because, usually, there is no happy ending to such lustful relationships. Hot guys are eye candies and you can’t lick a candy forever.


Five(5) Ways To Spice Things Out In Your Relationship

Sometimes, your relationship becomes so boring and just one-way. When that happens, there’s the need to spice things up between you and your partner. The faster you do that, the earlier you’ll be saving your relationship from going ‘red’.

Below are five ways to spice things up;

1. Set the mood

Home-cooked dinners are the perfect opportunity to dial up the romance with your partner. If it’s your turn to cook, set the mood by dimming the lights and adding candles to the table setting. Make sure mobile phones are silenced so you can talk to each other without interruptions. Playing music softly in the background is also a great way to evoke a calm and romantic mood. Stretch out the meal by serving an entrée and dessert!

2. Dine out at quiet places

If you are going out on a date, the last thing you want is to be in a loud, busy environment and not be able to hear each other talk. Find a quiet restaurant so you can enjoy each other’s company, or for something different grab a take-away meal and go on a picnic.

3. Be affectionate

Affection is an important aspect of a relationship. Touch his hand when you two are talking, or brush her shoulder when you walk past. If you’re at a comfortable stage, hug and kiss your partner regularly. Research shows that touch and cuddling can help alleviate anxiety and stress, as well as build trust between one another.

4. Watch a movie together

Sitting in the dark and holding hands during a movie can be an intimate experience, be it at home or at the cinema. Tip: have a big bowl of fresh popcorn to enjoy during your movie date.

5. Text

While apart during the day, a text is an easy and thoughtful way to let your partner know you’re thinking about him, and a gentle reminder of how much he means to you.

No matter how long you’ve been together, it’s important to remind your partner how much you appreciate him or her. By occasionally adding the extra effort with simple thoughtful gestures, your relationship will only grow stronger.

7 Things You Should Be Telling Her Other Than ‘I Love You’

We don’t want to downplay the importance of those three little words that two weeks or two years into a relationship still have the power to make your heart skip a beat.

But while knowing how to say “I love you” at the right time is essential, so are other phrases, each with their own positive ripple effects in your relationship.

Here’s how to tell a girl you love her, all while uttering these phrases she is dying to hear.

1. “You can do it.” 

Perhaps one of the most important roles a partner plays in our lives is cheerleader. So whether you’re ready to tap out and leave unswallowed that last delicious bite of gelato or preparing to lead a huge work project solo, it’s time for your partner to break out the pom-poms and cheer you on.

2. “I’m proud of you.”

When you finish that last bite of a healthy salad instead of your usual doughnut or kick butt at your work project, the best thing your man can do is swell with pride and express just how he thinks you rock. Knowing you impressed yourself is great in-and-of itself, but blowing his mind is a new level of awesome.

3. “You’re beautiful.” 

We’ve all been the recipients of insincere compliments, and because of that, too often this phrase only elicits an eye roll. But there’s nothing like the feeling we get when a man we love drops this doozy as we wake up, our unwashed mascara smudged along our puffy eyes — and knowing he means it.

4. “I appreciate you.” 

We take out the trash because that’s what you do when it’s full. We fold their socks into pairs because we can’t stand the thought of another stray, lonely argyle without its mate. It’s nothing special — and it’s certainly not about recognition.

But a man can turn the mundane into something more when he recognizes our acts of service are acts of love.

5. “Let me take you on a date.”

Routine is the silent killer of passion, people. So when a man wants to break free of binge-watching Netflix and take you out for a night on the town — or even for a candlelit, home-cooked meal on your patio — he’s saying he wants to keep the spark alive and roaring.

6. “I support you.” 

If your man’s got your back, it’s akin to having the full force of HGTV behind you when you purchase that fixer-upper: You know there’s nothing you can’t do.

7. “I’m sorry.” 

We don’t mean the insincere variety tossed out mid-argument meant only to shut you up. We’re talking about the “I’m sorry” whose subtext is, “I understand where you’re coming from, I feel bad that I contributed to this situation, and I’m going to do my best to make sure it never happens again.” When it’s said that way, is there anything more loving?

7 Sexiest Spots To Kiss Your Woman To Turn Her On!

There are high chances that you are missing the spark in your sexual encounters with your lady. Maybe you are good at it but not doing it in the right way. Intercourse is the most important part of sex but that is not all what a woman wants. When it comes to oral sex both men and women have different body preferences. Women’s body is complex and has many such hot-spots that can turn her on. The secret weapon here is how you smooch her in all the right places.

If you want to be a good lover it is important that you master the art of kissing. Your mouth can be applied to many different parts of her body by kissing, nibbling, licking, and sucking. You need to understand how to use your mouth on her. Kissing her in the right spots can lead to a steamy session and you definitely would want to crack it.

So, here are a few hot-spots on your lady’s body you do not want to leave dry and with right stimulation can turn her on:

#1 Lips:

Lip kissing is probably the right way to start off. Whether it is a French kiss or tongue activity, you need to stand out as a kisser. This does not mean you force yourself on her and start eating her lips. The right way is to start slow and steady and gradually get on with it. It is important that you make her feel special and loved. Yes, make sure your mouth smells good as bad smell can ruin it all.

#2 Neck:

Woman’s neck is considered to be the most sensitive area and it is very easy to arouse her by kissing her around the neck. One of the easiest and most dependable ways to get her in the mood is to place your mouth on the back of her neck. You will leave her wanting more by playing with your tongue, kissing all over her neck will definitely turn her on big time.

#3 Collarbone:

While your lady still has her clothes on, the best place to lay some kisses is along her collarbone. Collarbone is another very sensitive part of woman’s body. A woman’s exposed collarbone is sexy and your mouth on it will turn her on. So, it is better that you start kissing her around the collarbone before you move to other spots you can’t reach while her clothes are on.

#4 Ears:

A gentle nabbing on the earlobe is the best way to send shivers down her spine. Ears are often neglected but it is one of the most intense sites and your mouth can give her the pleasure of her life. Do not try to speed up things go gentle and try to lightly bite her ears, women confess to that being a turn on.

#5 Breasts:

We are sure you already know about this one! Woman’s breast is the most delicate part of her body after her privates. You will need to start with kissing them gently and you can get a bit aggressive. Using your hands and mouth together you can reach out to her nipples which when stimulated can turn her on immediately. In a few cases, it is also seen that ladies can also accomplish climax by simply kissing or sucking the nipples. Make sure you do not treat them like a softball and squeeze them too hard. She will kick you out of pain.

#6 Waist:

Her waist is another great spot just above her main zone which can be an extraordinary teaser for what lies ahead. Licking around her waist also arouses organs that lead to her privates. Also, try to include her naval as kissing and sucking around her navel can give her immense pleasure feeling.

# 7 Inner thighs:

Inner thighs can be another very sensitive part of a woman’s body. Mere touch can make her go wild just imagine what your mouth can do. You can start kissing her legs and can slowly move upwards. Once you reach her inner thighs also try to gently kiss her vagina not getting into oral.

Kissing a woman’s sensitive parts is an art which you will learn slowly but once you master this art you can kick-start a hot session before the intercourse.


8 Essential Elements That Should Never Be Missing From Your Relationship

Just as the saying that there are no roses without thorns, every relationship has its problems. The fact is, these are two very different people who have come together intending to be one. Of course, each one has a different up-bring, background, etc. Hence, there are diverse ways each one sees and understands a particular thing.

That notwithstanding, every relationship needs some vital attributes to keep it stronger, long lasting and more enjoyable for both partners. Some relationships are strong enough to last a lifetime, and it’s not attributed to luck or chance. It all depends on the continuous efforts from both parties and a desire to be together.

Just like you cannot do away with some particular ingredients when cooking some foods,there are certain qualities that should never be missing from a loving partnership. Once they are, it’s only a matter of time until things start to fall apart.

There is no single secret to a long lasting relationship. Instead, it’ll take the efforts plus some other factors from both parties involved to make things work.

Checkout these 7 essential elements every strong relationship should have;

1. Friendship

Friendship, is often the first step to every relationship. You become friends to know more about each other. Here, you get to share your problems, happiness, fears etc with each other. You also get to know some of the strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes about each other, not forgetting the temperaments as well. Hence, a lasting friendship often equals a strong relationship.

2. Teamwork

Don’t forget that, you are no longer single the moment you agree to enter into a relationship with someone. Hence, there are some decisions and choices you’ll have to consult your partner to make together. Your significant other is your partner in life and, therefore, your greatest support system. After all, two heads, they say are better than one. You’ll be much more successful by working with and not against each other.

3. Trust

This is one of the most important elements in every relationship. There are many people in relationships without trust for their partner. This is sometimes due to a past relationship where the other got disappointed perhaps because of too much trust. However, this shouldn’t deter you from trusting your new partner, both are not the same. If friendship is the foundation, distrust is what can seep in between the cracks and make it all crumble. It doesn’t matter if you and your partner check off all the other nine items on this list. Your relationship will not survive without trust. One person’s doubt is enough to drive the rest into the ground no matter how good things are.

3. Respect

Of course, mutual respect is one key element to a long lasting and stronger relationship. Every healthy relationship should be built upon mutual respect. Both parties should recognize each other as equals and should always be open to their partner’s thoughts, beliefs, concerns, and needs. Never consider yourself to be superior than your partner’s.

4. Intimacy

OK, don’t get it all wrong, intimacy is not only limited to sex. Although we all know that sex has become a necessity in a relationship and that it does play a crucial role in relationship success. However, it comes in layers, becoming more authentic and sweeter with time and care. Intimacy requires a deeper understanding of each other that’s far more significant than physical attraction. Don’t forget there are still strong and beautiful relationships out there surviving without sex. I mean, there are countless number of cases out there where relationships have lasted much longer without sex. Both parties will have to know how to define their intimacy and the things to add or subtract from it.

5. Affection

Hey love birds, the honeymoon will soon pass. And so will the phrase of not being able to keep your hands off each other naturally fade over time. But that shouldn’t mean that affection should be completely forgotten. Verbal and physical reminders, such as saying “I love you” and touching when speaking, reinforce your connection. That’s why communication is also an important ingredient. You can always play and tease each other. It’s very healthy for every relationship

6. Communication

Just as mentioned earlier, communication is key in every relationship. How do you settle your disagreements, petty quarrels and misunderstandings, all though communication. Sometimes, you don’t even need to talk, but your actions and gestures will speak for you. Don’t ignore calls from your partner simply because you’re angry at them. Hey, this has cost a lot of good things in some relationships. Just pick up and listen to what they have to say. It could be a matter of life and death. COMMUNICATION IS KEY.

7. Honesty

The second either of you begins hiding things from each other, your relationship will begin to run off track. You should be able to share anything with your SO while receiving love and support in return. Secrets can become cancerous and snowball into further damage. You’ll always carry a sense of guilt as long as you keep things to yourself, and your and your partner’s dynamic is bound to be affected.

8. Support

Gone are the days where men were the ones to pay the bills and women to do the household chores. What’s wrong with a woman paying the bill or adding her money to it for her husband to pay? What about when a man extends a helping hand to his wife in the kitchen or with the chores? It spoils nothing. You should always be each other’s biggest cheerleader. Encourage your partner to go after what they want. Assure them that you’ll be by their side no matter the result. By being excited about each other’s achievements and celebrating even the little things, both parties benefit from a supportive relationship. Support and help each other in both times of good and bad.


6 Behaviors Men Show When They’re With Their True Love

Are you in love with a guy but you seem not to know if he loves you back or not?

It’s a fact that men and women think in a different way. While men are often referred to as indifferent to their emotions, women, as governed by Venus are known to be the exact opposite.

As the great poet Emily Dickinson said, “Behavior is what a man does, not what he thinks, feels, or believes.” You will know that women and men show their love and affection in completely different ways, which can sometimes be quite confusing for them; “Yesterday he was a totally charming guy, but today he’s a complete idiot.”

You’re probably right! And what a man says and does can be very disconcerting. In general, women tend to be more sensitive and complacent, two areas that make many men lives difficult.

That notwithstanding, there are a common set of behaviors in men which shows they’re in love with you.

Check them out below;

1. He isn’t afraid to make sacrifice

Making personal sacrifices is much easier when doing it for a person we love. It means putting our whole body, mind or soul at the possible risk of harm in order to protect the ones we love. Men being men, they feel they feel a huge pain at the thought of something making his woman miserable.

In fact, men who are in love will feel tremendous discomfort at the thought of their woman being unhappy. Especially if there’s something they can do about it.

As such, making sacrifices for your happiness is one way a man demonstrates his love for you. He will almost always put you first, even if it means changing his plans or stepping out of his comfort zone.

2. He Listens To You Closely

Two of the concrete foundations for a relationship are mutual respect and communication.

Generally, women are much better listeners than men. To be frank, some men have absolutely atrocious listening skills. However,

The curious thing is that men will always intently focus on things of interest. So, when a man not only hears you but actively pays attention and intelligently responds – a skill called active listening – you can have confidence that he’s smitten.

Even if he doesn’t hold your desired answer to your question, sometimes listening alone is more comforting.

3. He treats your family and friends with respect

If we know that someone is important to you, by default, they become important to us. The reason is simple: you cherish family and friends, and the last thing we want is to hurt your feelings.

A real man knows the importance of respecting and cherishing the people that mean a lot to you.

A man who’s truly and deeply in love with you will do anything to show you he cares about your dear ones.

They may not like one of your family members(“in-laws and husband”) or one of your catty friends. However, they’ll zip it because they know just how much they mean to you. When your man does this, be rest assured that he’s head over heels in love with you.

4. He isn’t afraid to show you his vulnerability

Men are always cautious about showing any behavior that can be perceived by others as a weakness. You can’t blame them because in today’s, vulnerability is considered to be a person’s weakness. When a man is truly and deeply in love, however, his emotions and hidden feeling will find their way to make it to the surface.

5. He fights with you

Misunderstandings are part of life and of course, you and your partner will not always agree on the same thing.

This one’s obvious, but just to avoid offending anyone – we’re not talking fights of the insult-throwing and drama-inducing variety. We’re certainly not talking about physical altercations.

That said, if a man loves you and is emotionally invested in his relationship, he will initiate a “fight” to avoid losing you; even if that means fighting with the woman he loves.

Why? Because they’re afraid. He loves you, and the slightest threat to your relationship is the equivalent of a punch to the gut. If they’re fighting with this purpose in mind, we want to make things work and demonstrate our commitment.

6. He’s proud of you and is not afraid to show it

In love, a real man isn’t shy about saying how proud he is of you. Areal man will believe in your ability to accomplish your goals and will always remain your number one fan.

Whether you’re a fantastic mother, a hard worker, or reaching your goals, you can rest assured that your efforts don’t go unnoticed. He’ll never let a day go by without telling just how awesome you are. And he’ll never be afraid to show everyone just how proud he is of you.