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LIFESTYLE: Skipping Breakfast Could Help You Lose Weight – Studies

Breakfast, they say is the most important meal of the day but it seems this saying has been

proved wrong in a new research.

According to a new research, skipping breakfast can help one to lose weight.

Many believe that eating a big breakfast in the morning stops you feeling as hungry throughout

the day, helping people to slim down.

But a new review published in The BMJ suggests ‘the most important meal of the day’ may not

help people to control their weight.

Researchers found there is no good evidence to support the idea that eating breakfast promotes

weight loss – or that skipping breakfast leads to weight gain.

In fact, the findings show that daily calorie intake was higher in people eating breakfast and

that skipping brekkie does not cause greater appetite later in the day.

The researchers said their review questions the thought that eating breakfast helps you lose weight.

Previous studies have suggested that eating breakfast is linked with maintaining a healthy weight.

But the researchers said those findings were observational and possibly reflected an individual’s wider healthy lifestyle and food choices.

The team from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, analysed the effect of regularly

eating breakfast on weight change and daily energy intake, based on evidence from 13 studies,

mainly in Britain and the United States, from the last 28 years.


They did a number of trials which focused on eating or skipping breakfast and changes in body weight, while others looked at the effect of breakfast on daily energy intake.

For the study, the people studied included habitual and non-habitual breakfast eaters, or both, at a range of body weights who were monitored between 24 hours and 16 weeks.

The researchers found that the total daily energy intake was higher in groups who ate breakfast compared with those who skipped it – an average of 260 more calories consumed in a day – regardless of their usual breakfast habits.

And the results showed that those who skipped breakfast were on average one pound (0.44 kilos) lighter.

But the effect of breakfast on weight did not differ between people with a normal weight and those who were overweight.

There are previous suggestions that eating breakfast may help with weight loss because of the efficient burning of calories early in the day preventing overeating later on.

But the reviewers found ‘no significant difference’ in metabolic rates between breakfast eaters and skippers.

And skipping breakfast was not linked to people feeling hungrier in the afternoon.

The researchers said that because of the varying quality of the studies included, the findings should be interpreted with caution.

But study co-author Professor Flavia Cicuttini, of Monash University, said: ‘Currently, the available evidence does not support modifying diets in adults to include the consumption of breakfast as a good strategy to lose weight.

‘Although eating breakfast regularly could have other important effects, caution is needed when

recommending breakfast for weight loss in adults, as it may have the opposite effect.’

Professor Tim Spector, of King’s College London, added that people have different preferences

for when they eat food, which ‘might suit our unique personal metabolism.’

He said: ‘No one size fits all, and prescriptive slow moving diet guidelines filled with erroneous

information look increasingly counterproductive and detract from important health messages.

‘While waiting for guidelines to change, no harm can be done in trying out your own personal experiments in skipping breakfast.’

7 Awesome Ways To Use Watermelon

Watermelon is a delicious, refreshing as well as thirst-quenching fruit. Watermelon is a great source of carbohydrates, fiber, protein, and vitamins A, C, and B. In addition, it has potassium together with other important minerals, like iron, calcium, phosphorous, and magnesium. It also contains organic acids, enzymes, and natural sugars as well. The water content in this fruit is also extremely useful in keeping your body hydrated during the summer. There are different ways you can enjoy your watermelon.

Below are seven of such awesome ways;

1. Aqua fresca:

Blend about four cups of cubed, seedless watermelon with one to two tablespoons of simple syrup or sugar, and then strain solids out through a sieve as you pour the mixture into a pitcher. Then add two cups of cold water.

2. Yogurt parfait: Layer chunks of watermelon with granola and plain yogurt. Drizzle with honey if desired.

3. Summer smoothie: Add frozen watermelon cubes to a blender with some nonfat plain yogurt, strawberries, coconut water and a drizzle of agave syrup.

4. Margarita: Blend frozen watermelon cubes with some tequila, lime and Triple Sec.

5. Granita: Blend watermelon chunks with a little lime juice and sugar, pour into a pan, and place in the freezer. After about an hour, take a fork and scrape the top frozen part to make crystals. Place it back in the freezer and repeat the scraping every half hour or so, until it’s the right consistency.

6. Fancy ice cubes:

 Freeze cubed watermelon with a little water and mint into ice cube trays for a refreshing – and pretty – addition to iced tea.

7. Popsicle:


Cut blocks of watermelon, stick an ice-cream stick into the end, and freeze into watermelon pops.


Tips For Preparing Tomatoes

So yesterday, we brought you an article on a 4 health benefits of eating tomatoes. The feedback was okay and we got some people asking us some questions.

One wanted to know if she has to boil them or just consume them raw.

Another also wanted to know if it’s possible to drink a raw blended tomato.

Let’s start with second question. Yes, tomatoes can be blended or chopped and eaten raw with boiling them.

As a matter of fact, eating them raw gives you access to all the essential nutrients needed for good health.

However, we all know we can use them in preparing stew or soup.

Hence consider the following tips in case you prefer boiling them before consuming.


1. Wash thoroughly

Before serving, wash tomatoes under cool running water and pat dry. This helps to get rid of any dirt that may be stuck on the skin.

2. Consider the seeds

If your recipe requires seeded tomatoes, cut the fruit in half horizontally and gently squeeze out the seeds and the juice. However, we encourage you to think about the recipe and consider whether the tomato could be incorporated with seeds intact. There are simply too many valuable nutrients in the seeds that you would not want to lose unnecessarily.

3. Don’t Cook in Aluminum Cookwares

When cooking tomatoes, we recommend avoidance of aluminum cookware since the high acid content of the tomatoes may interact with the metal in the cookware. As a result, there may be migration of aluminum into the food, which may not only impart an unpleasant taste, but more importantly, may have a potentially unwanted impact on your health.

4. Consider Using the Whole Fruit When Cooking

Whenever possible, try to develop recipes that make use of the whole tomato. We’ve seen research showing higher lycopene content in whole tomato products. For example, when the skins of tomatoes are included in the making of the tomato paste, the lycopene and beta-carotene content of the paste is significantly higher according to research studies.

5. Don’t overcook it as doing so may get rid of all the needed nutrients for good health

Four(4) Amazing Health Benefits Of Eating Tomatoes

 Tomatoes are a good source of several vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C: An essential nutrient and antioxidant. One medium sized tomato can provide about 28% of the recommended daily intake. Potassium: An essential mineral, beneficial for blood pressure control and cardiovascular disease prevention.

Just one serving a day of tomato-based foods can have an incredibly beneficial effect on your health. Not only can they reduce heart disease, but they could potentially prevent and reverse dozens of diseases if eaten daily. This is one fruit you don’t want to leave out of your diet.

Below are some of the health benefits of eating tomatoes;

1. Good for digestion

Eating tomatoes daily can keep your digestive system healthy as it prevents both, constipation and diarrhoea. It also prevents jaundice and effectively removes toxins from the body.

2. Improves vision

Vitamin A, present in tomatoes, helps to improve your eyesight as well as prevent night-blindness and macular degeneration.

3. Reduces risk of heart disease

The lycopene in tomatoes can protect you against cardiovascular diseases. Consuming tomatoes regularly helps decrease the levels of cholesterol and triglyceride in the blood, reducing the deposition of fats in the blood vessels.

3. Skin Health

Rich tomato components fight acne and prevent damage to skin cells. Studies have indicated that drinking two cups of tomato juice a day helps to improve the overall appearance of the skin in a short period of time.

4. Reduces Breast Cancer Risk

Breast cancer can also be reduced with tomatoes. Exciting research in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute shows that higher amounts of carotenoids may have a reduced risk of breast cancer. This includes alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene, and total carotenoids .


4 Delicious And Quick-To Prepare Banana Recipes

Bananas are one of the world’s most appealing fruits

When it comes to cooking with fruits, most of us can’t help but think of salads and desserts like puddings and pies. Some may say that a fruit is best eaten raw or may be included in shakes and smoothies. You’d be surprised to know that fruits like bananas are widely used in savoury dishes as well. Talking of bananas, very few people know that the fruit actually belongs to the family of berries!

High in fibre, bananas are great for digestion and aid in the growth of good gut bacteria. Keep a couple of them tucked in your bag to tame those untimely, mid-meals hunger attacks. Bananas are also a good source of B-vitamins, magnesium and antioxidants. We know that bananas are rich in Vitamin C but do you know that they act as a great stress fighting nutrient? Bananas help in repairing the cell damage caused due to stress.

1. Banana-ChocolatePudding Cake

Banana recipes banana muffin


A cross between a mouse, pudding, and molten lava cake, this banana-chocolate cake is sure to please—both your tastebuds and your waistline. Using bananas as a substitute for flour, blend 2 very ripe bananas in a food processor, then add in an egg, ½ teaspoon vanilla, a tablespoon maple syrup, and ¼ teaspoon fine salt, blend until smooth. Separately, melt 5 ounces of dark chocolate in the microwave, then stir into the banana mixture. Beat the whites from two eggs in a separate mixture until stiff peaks, then fold into the chocolate banana mixture. Pour into a greased or parchment-paper-lined, 8-inch round baking pan and bake for 25 minutes in a 375 degree oven. This high-protein, low-carb treat will make its way onto your dessert plate more than once.

2. Sweeten Up Your Oatmeal

Banana recipes oatmeal

Instead of adding empty calories like refined white sugars that only spike your blood sugar and cause it to come crashing down soon after, why not flavor your oatmeal with bananas? Cut up half a banana, mash it with a fork, and then fold it into your favorite bowl of steel cut oats along with a sprinkling of cinnamon. This cut of oats is lower on the glycemic index than rolled or instant oats, meaning they’ll keep you fuller, longer. Always in a rush in the morning? Make them overnight oats style! Just boil 4 cups of water in a pot. Add one cup of steel-cut oats and simmer for 1 minute. Cover the pot, allow it to cool, and then store overnight in the fridge.

3. Banana Puree

Banana recipes smoothies

Few people have made a smoothie without this elongated fruit, but have you ever tried making the frozen blend with a green banana? Prior to ripening, bananas are rich in resistant starch, a hard-to-find form of fiber that digests slowly for prolonged feelings of fullness and more efficient fat oxidation. Oh, and did we also mention it’s good for gut health? Resistant starches feed the beneficial bacteria in your belly, which then convert the starches into anti-inflammatory compounds that help to suppress your appetite and bolster your immune system. For an exotic blend, try combining ½ frozen banana, ½ cup frozen pineapple, ½ teaspoon ground turmeric, ½-inch piece fresh ginger (peeled and chopped), the juice of half a lime, and 1 cup coconut water.

4. Banana Sushi

Banana recipes banana sushi

Say hello to a waistline-friendly oatmeal cookie. Free of blood-sugar-spiking refined white flour or refined sugar, these cookies get all their starch from bananas and extra fiber from the oats. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Mash three bananas in a bowl, then add ¼ cup melted coconut oil, 1-½ cups rolled oats, ¼ cup chopped walnuts a tablespoon ground flaxseed, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, and ½ a teaspoon each of cinnamon and salt. Stir well, roll into cookies, and bake for 25 minutes, or until cookies are golden brown.



4 Amazing Health Benefits Of Agushi Seeds

Cucumeropsis mannii is a species of melon, native to tropical Africa west of the East African Rift, where it is grown for food and as a source of oil. Its common names include egusi in Yoruba and agushi in Hausa. In English it is known as Mann’s cucumeropsis and white-seed melon.

Agushi plant is very popular with Africans, who make soup with the seeds. Agushi fruit is similar to watermelon but has white seeds. Unlike watermelon, the fruit is not edible, and quite bitter.

These seeds have a shell and are mostly flat and pointed at the tip. Seeds of agushi are high in protein, vitamins and minerals and are great source of edible oil for native Africans.

Below are some health benefits of the seed;

1.Naturally loaded with protein

Agushi Seeds

Anyone, who is looking for a food source high in protein, must have these seeds in his or her diet, especially, people looking to build pure muscle like professional body builders.

Proteins are essential for the maintenance of muscles, and agushi seeds of around 100 grams contain about 30 grams of protein.

It is also low in calories. Hence, it is very good for those who are looking to shed some fat.

Protein deficiency diseases like marasmus and kwashiorkor can also be cured by proper intake of these seeds.

2. Anti-ageing

Ground Agushi seeds

Agushi helps in fighting against the signs of ageing like wrinkles, dark spots and dark circles. It contains anti-oxidants and Niacin, which makes skin healthy and young and helps, prevents ageing.

Consuming agushi seeds or applying agushi seed oil will help keep your skin healthy and glowing for a long time.

3. Provides essential amino acids

Agushi Seeds

Amino acids, which are not readily available in the body like arginine and lysine, have to be obtained from other sources. Agushi seeds are a great source of these amino acids.

Arginine helps in regulating metabolism and improves the cardiovascular system. Lysine helps in the formation of collagen and connective tissues in the body.

4. Natural Multi-vitamin B supplement

These seeds are an excellent source of Vitamin B complex. These vitamins are essential for having good blood flow throughout the body, which ultimately helps keep the cardiovascular system healthy.

They also help in strengthening the immune system. Daily intake of these seeds is the equivalent to taking vitamin supplements.


5 Amazing Health Benefits of Bitter Kola During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very delicate part of life. It is a period where a mother has to take extra care of her health as well as that of the unborn baby’s. What you eat and drink during pregnancy is extremely important.

Whiles a lot of women stick to eating delicacies to stay strong and healthy, others however take artificial food supplements.

However, any food supplement, whether natural or artificial needs to be done with caution. This is because, not all supplement are good for the unborn baby. Others too are good but in required quantities.

What do you usually drink during pregnancy to give supplement to the womb? Have you ever expected that bitter kola is a good supplement for pregnancy?  Have you ever expected bitter kola increases fertility?

Bitter kola is a plant from Africa. In fact, Africans have been using bitter kola for pregnant woman for ages. Additionally, Africans believe that bitter cola prevents Satan from disturbing the womb. But actually, bitter kola is truly good for pregnancy according to sciences.

Bitter kola contains nutrients and vitamins good for pregnancy. For Africans, bitter kola is the best supplement for pregnant women. Nowadays, bitter cola popularity has spread to anywhere in the world. Therefore you should also try bitter cola to give nutrients supply to your womb.

Let’s first of all take a look at the nutrients found in Bitter Kola;










To choose supplement for pregnancy, you must look at side effects first. Avoid supplements containing side effects and bad nutrients. According to research, bitter cola doesn’t have side effects if consumed properly.

Now read on the health benefits of bitter kola in pregnancy:

1.Strengthens pregnant woman

Strong woman would create a healthy womb in pregnancy. When a pregnant woman tends to easily get sick, it also influences the womb’s health. Hence, the husband should give good supplement to the woman to strengthen her, and especially her womb.

2. Make womb healthier

While in pregnancy, it is very important to always give nutrients supplement for your womb. On the other hand, natural supplement is the best supplement you can choose. And it should be bitter kola because it has rich nutrients and vitamins.

Its high amount of vitamins supply womb very good should it make womb healthier. Bitter kola in pregnancy should be the best choice for your pregnancy supplement

Drinking bitter kola twice a week could strengthen mother and her womb. The nutrients add more stamina to a pregnant woman

3. Promotes fertility

Fertility is the most popular issue in marriage. Infertility can infect woman either man. Actually there are many causes of infertility. For man, bitter cola can cure impotence. On the other hand, bitter kola also good for woman to increase fertility.

To conclude, you should drink water of bitter cola twice a day, you will get the result in two weeks just like health benefits of yoga during pregnancy.

4. Cures nausea and vomit

A pregnant woman tends to get nausea and vomit very often. It is very uncomfortable for woman to get nausea and vomit. Furthermore, it makes woman limbs. As the solution, pregnant woman should drink bitter kola to decrease nausea and vomit.

The nutrients and bitter kola make woman feel fresh and get more energy. Thus, a healthy pregnant woman also contains healthy womb. You may also read benefits of vitamin A during pregnancy.

5. Normalize blood circulation of a pregnant woman

The substances inside bitter kola have ability to normalize blood circulation of human. If pregnant woman drink bitter kola, should the mother’s blood circulation get to normal. Because in fact, a pregnant woman tends to has abnormal blood circulation. We need to keep blood pressure in normal situation to keep womb’s health until born.

Recommended intake of bitter kola during pregnancy

Bitter cola contains very strong caffeine. One bean of bitter cola contains same amount of caffeine of 2 glass of coffee. Thus, you must drink bitter kola only for 1 small cup a day. Do not exceed the limitation because it’s not going to be any good for the womb.

Take a routine bitter kola as supplement, and drink it twice a week. Finally, your baby will born healthy.