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Five (5) Natural Ways To Detox The Body

Our bodies can become overwhelmed due to the volume of toxins exposed in its environment by way of water (fluoride and other chemicals), air (chemical trails, pollution and other toxins), food (chemicals, pesticides, preservatives, genetically modified ingredients etc.), pharmaceuticals and other drugs.

True healing requires a detoxification of both the mind and the body. Below are 10 ways you can help your body detoxify naturally so it can flush out some of the everyday toxins to which it’s exposed:

1. Start the day with a glass of water and the juice of one freshly squeezed lemon


This helps flush out the toxins and alkalizes the body. Alternatively, you can add a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of spring water. Hippocrates treated his patients with apple cider vinegar. He found it was a powerful cleansing and healing elixir, a naturally occurring antibiotic and antiseptic that fights germs and bacteria, for a healthier, stronger, and longer life.

Don’t forget to drink plenty of water throughout the day to continue flushing out the toxins.

2.  Eliminate toxic oils from your diet


Toxic oils can include vegetable oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil, cotton seed oil and canola oil. Substitute with good oils, such as extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, hemp oil and flaxseed oil. Hemp oil, for example, is a great source of omega-3s, -6s, and -9s.

3. Eat more raw fruits, herbs and vegetables

Fruit, vegetables and herbs contain enzymes that aid digestion and improve nutrient absorption.

4. Drink a freshly made vegetable juice daily

Include lots of greens such as kale, spinach and cilantro. I love to start my day with a juice made with apples, carrot, lemon, ginger, turmeric, beetroot, kale and cilantro. When the seasons change, some of my ingredients will also change.

5. Drink green tea and herbal teas such as dandelion, nettles etc

These teas help the body detoxify and clear out toxins.


Three Health Benefits Of Shea Butter You Probably didn’t Know About

Shea butter is a skin superfood that comes from the seeds of the fruit of the Shea (Karite) tree and that is naturally rich in vitamins A, E and F. It offers UV protection (it is SPF ~6) and provides the skin with essential fatty acids and the nutrients necessary for collagen production.

Shea butter has been used in Africa and other countries for years to improve skin and hair. It also has a long history of medicinal use, such as in wound care and even treating leprosy.

Below are three health benefits of using shea butter;

1.Treats Acne And Blemishes

Shea butter is known for its healing properties, which can be attributed to the presence of several fatty acids and plant sterols such as oleic, palmitic, stearic, and linolenic acids. These oil-soluble components do not undergo saponification or convert into soap on coming in contact with alkalis. Shea butter is more non-saponifiable than other nut oils and fats, thus imparting it great healing potential. Raw, unrefined shea butter is effective in curing skin rashes, skin peeling after tanning, scars, stretch marks, frost bites, burns, athletes foot, insect bites and stings, and acne.

2. Anti-Aging And Anti-Free Radical Agent

Shea butter is considered as one of the best anti-aging agents for the skin. It stimulates the production of collagen, the youthful scaffolding protein in the skin. The vitamins A and E found in this butter keep the skin supple, nourished, and radiant. If used regularly, it reduces wrinkles and also prevents premature wrinkles and facial lines. Its anti-aging properties can also be attributed to its ability to increase circulation to the skin and promote cell renewal.

These vitamins, along with catechins, also exert an antioxidant effect against free radicals that damage the skin. These free radicals are often found in our environment in pollutants and irritants. The sun’s rays can also increase the free radicals in our skin, which can easily damage the skin cells. The cinnamic acid esters in the shea fat prevent damage from these compounds by giving your skin an antioxidant boost.

3. Reduces Stretch Marks

Shea butter is often used as a base in ointments or creams prepared commercially for stretch mark treatment. This is because it can dramatically help prevent and reduce stretch marks formed during pregnancy due to weight gain and/or weight loss. These marks are formed when the skin stretches beyond its elastic capacity. The application of shea butter will restore the natural elasticity of the skin and also improve collagen production. It is a natural emollient. Daily massage of the affected area with this skin healing butter can lighten stretch marks.


Three (3) Ways To Get Rid Of Smelly Feet

One of the most embarrassing moments in life is for you to take off your shoes only for..gosh!! That foul smell. So embarrassing and annoying especially when you don’t live alone. Believe me, those dogs that come smelling your shoes when you leave them outside? Well, pray they don’t carry it away one day. No one wants to deal with the embarrassment of stinky feet. For anyone troubled by stinky feet, the question arises at some point: What exactly is causing my feet to smell?

While most of us have suffered from foot perspiration, damp feet and odor at some point in our lives, for many, sweaty, stinky feet can be a relentless problem that causes much discomfort. Sadly, it can affect the daily lives of many, causing little social life, especially if it’s related to being at a gym, outdoors in the heat of sun or in a situation where shoes need to be removed.

A study conducted at the Skin and Care Foundation in Australia reported that sweaty feet commonly comes with an offensive odor or stinky feet, known as bromhidrosis.

The condition usually begins in childhood or adolescence. However, it can have a negative impact on education, career choices and social development. Who ever feels comfortable being in a crowd with a stinking feet anyways?

There’s however some good news for those who have the problem of stinky feet. The good news is that with a daily hygiene routine, you can eliminate stinky feet and rid yourself of the embarrassment that it may cause.

No need to buy those expensive sprays or even those expensive creams. Simply inculcate these habits into your life and bingo! You’re good to go.

1. Soak Your Feet

You can try numerous home remedies, such as salt bath, tea soaks and apple cider vineger. With proper hygiene and the rotation of shoes, these practices may help eliminate foot odor.

For temporary relief, consider an apple cider vinegar bath using one part vinegar and two parts water to help reduce the level of bacteria that can cause odor. Apple cider vinegar’s antifungal effects can combat foot odor.

2. Ensure Good Hygiene

Getting rid of foot odor may be as simple as following a daily foot hygiene routine. This may include washing your feet with an antibacterial soap.

It’s important to wash your feet every day and dry them thoroughly, especially between the toes. When you dry your feet with a towel after a shower or bath, dab between your toes with cotton wool dipped in witch hazel or apple cider vinegar. Sweaty feet can be treated with an antibacterial foot scrub, but avoid using a scrubs if you have broken skin or eczema

Keep your toenails trimmed and clean, which also helps prevent toenail fungus. Gently remove any hard skin with a foot file. When hard, skin can become soggy from the dampness, which provides an ideal home for bacteria.

3. Tea Soaks

Tea soaks are one of the most effective home remedies. Simply use four or five tea bags to a quart of water. You can use regular tea bags or even mint tea bags! Make the tea as you normally would, then allow it to cool and soak the feet for about 20 minutes each day.

Note; In all cases, make sure to dry your feet thoroughly.


Four Ways To Get Rid Of Bad Breath(Halitosis)

What’s more embarrassing than everyone drawing their faces away from you once you open your mouth to speak?

Bad breath/halitosis is surely a canker no one would ever like to be infested with.

Of course, it’s natural for the mouth to smell once it’s been shut for a long time.

However, when yours is the opposite the you need to check yourself twice.

It is however, a problem that most people do not know they have this kind of problem.

So just observe the way your friend behave around you. Are they free getting close to you or not? If no, then you definitely need to get rid of that bad breath. You can feel free and ask the trusted ones about your general body odor as well.

Check these steps below:

1. Floss Everyday

Flossing your teeth is just as important to good oral health as brushing and even more important for reducing bad breath. Make it as much of a mindless habit as brushing your teeth. At first, your gums might bleed as you dislodge chunks of food that have “stuck” to your teeth and gum for who knows how long. But take a second to smell the floss after you pass it through your teeth, if you dare. You’ll see (or smell) where the bad breath is coming from

2. Brush your teeth regularly

Two major sources of mouth odor are bacteria and decaying food particles. There are hundreds of nooks and crannies in the fertile landscape of your mouth where these offending bits of “rot” can get lodged. It is therefore essential to brush your teeth at least twice daily.

3. Pay attention to your tongue

Brushing your teeth without paying attention to your tongue is actually not acceptable. Bad breath can come from ones tongue. Hence pay attention to your tongues whenever you’re brushing your teeth. Scrap your tongue thoroughly and you’ll begin to see changes.

4. Avoid high odor foods

Foods like garlic and ginger can contribute to bad breath. As much as possible avoid these foods. If not then try to brush your teeth immediately after eating these foods. You can also get chewing gums or toffees with mint for the mouth whenever you have these foods.

Remember, good breath draws people to you just like a beautiful smile.


3 Reasons You Must Stop Using Cotton Swabs In Your Ears

Chances are, we’re all guilty of the notorious cotton-swab-clean, attempting to remove unwanted earwax or simply dry the ear canal. However, this method of earwax removal is actually very harmful to the ear. The act could lead to a host of other challenges for ear health and wellness.

With the smallest bones in the human body residing right behind our ears, they can be broken simply by using a mere cotton swab.

Woman using cotton swab-1.jpg

In fact, this is one of the most dangerous ways to clean your ears! Not only is it ineffective (it pushes wax into the ear instead of pulling it out), but it can also damage your ear in more ways than one.

Below are three reasons you must desist from this act:



* ossicle

noun | os·si·cle \ˈä-si-kəl\

  1. a small bone or bony structure (as the malleus, incus, or stapes)

The malleus, incus, and stapes each belong to the auditory ossicle. Simply put: together, these 3 bones make up the small bony structure that lies right behind your ear canal. Moral of the story — the bones behind the ear drum are the smallest bones in your entire body, and simply pushing on them with a cotton swab can break them! This can lead to dramatic effects… even hearing loss.

Again, please refrain.



Sorry to burst your bubble, but the cotton swab does not actually remove earwax from the ear canal. It is a completely ineffective method for earwax removal. Cotton swabs actually push the wax further into the ear canal, making the problem worse.

The main point — These guys cause more harm than good, and can’t be trusted.


The inner ear controls your hearing and balance.

By pushing against the ear drum with a cotton swab, you risk causing hearing and balance complications. The eardrum is very sensitive and is easily reached by using a cotton swab.

The problem? Too much pressure can cause a puncture as mentioned before, but can also lead to conductive hearing loss.


3 Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Bad Body Odor

Having a bad body odor can really be disturbing.

Whether it’s strong or offensive, body odor is a sensitive issue that is commonly addressed by health and fragrance companies to temporarily quench the stench. Dousing in these chemicals and artificial-scent sprays only shield body odor for a short duration, but they fail to treat the underlying cause of these nose-pinching smells. Luckily, there are natural, fresher, and cleaner approaches to tackle undesirable body odor to treat this embarrassing problem.

In order to practice good hygiene, it’s important to know how body odor often occurs. Insufficient bathing or poor hygiene can lead to an unpleasant odor secreted by the apocrine glands, located in the underarms, genitals, and around the nipples, and the eccrine glands, found in the underarms, hands, and feet, when they interact with skin bacteria. The sebaceous glands, located in the scalp, face, and chest, produce oil, which has a light odor with or without bacteria. “If people have poor hygiene bacteria can build up on the skin and create more than just bad body odor,” Dr. Jennifer Burns, physician at The Bienetre Center in Phoenix, Ariz., told Medical Daily in an email.

To prevent excessive sweating and body odor, add these three home remedies to your bathroom cabinet to keep your skin clean and dry.

1. Shave Underarms

A lot of hair under your arms can create a swampy environment for bacteria. Hair is porous, meaning it easily absorbs odors and can even slow the evaporation of sweat. Hair traps odorants, especially when it’s located in your armpits. Burns recommends shaving your underarms to stop body odor so the “bacteria doesn’t get trapped in the hair thus decreasing odor.”

2.  Change Shoes

A common misconception is body odor comes from the armpits, but one of the foulest odors actually come from your feet. Changing your shoes will allow them to air and prevent the odors from staying concentrated in one area. This cuts down the bacteria that is in the shoe. Burns’ rule of thumb: “Everyone should be switching up their shoes every 500 miles anyway.”

3. Apply Vinegar

Vinegar, whether it’s apple cider or white, can help lower the pH level of the skin for an anti-bacteria environment. Dr. Mehmet Oz of The Dr. Oz Show recommends this home remedy because the bacteria cannot thrive in acidity, and the smell will dissipate. It’s best to splash the vinegar under the arms when you get out of the shower, but not immediately after you have shaved your underarms. This is safe for the skin as long as it’s unbroken. It’s best to do a test on a small patch of skin to make sure you do not react badly.
