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Men Need Six Packs To Keep Ladies Of Today – Prince David Osei

Just some few years ago, a man would do anything to get a ‘pot belly’. This was because, pot bellies were seen as a sign of wealth and ladies loved men with it.

However, a visit to any gym these days shows even old men vigorously training for good health and most importantly, ‘six packs’.

Oh yea, the six pack guys are now reigning because the ladies have shifted their ‘love’ there. Just be a good looking guy with six packs. You’ll surely get that ‘ hot chick’ in your area your pot bellied friends have been trying without effort to have.

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It’s almost like how the men these days prefer ‘curvaceous’ or endowed women. They want their women, even after birth to workout for slim waist and flat stomach.

Now both single ladies and married women expect their man to have a well- built body: six packs, flat stomach and some upper body muscle, just to show off.

The sad part is that, even most of the ladies still with the pot belly men are just there for the money which they’re also spending on their six pack guys. Funny right?

It’s therefore not surprising that actor and runway model, Prince David Osei has categorically stated that men with pot bellies risk being dumped for those with six packs.

According to him, women currently want men who are physically built and have been able to keep their shape and not men with pot bellies.

“As a man, while growing up you need to keep the shape together. The ladies now want men who have six packs and have been able to keep their shape together. They want to feel the cut behind your waist when they hug you if not your woman may leave you for a man who has it”. He told Nana Ama McBorwn on the latest episode of ‘McBrown’s Kitchen’ s TV show.

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About this writer:

Peace Agyare

Peace Agyare loves to write and is addicted to reading. She is a staff at & A well bred journalist with a flair for entertainment, society and arts. She loves covering events and reporting personalities for the public consumption. Email : Instagram @peaceagyare & Twitter ; @agyare_peace