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Introduce Cinemas To Revive Movie Industry – Abdul Salam Mumuni

Movie producer and CEO of Venus Films Productions, Abdul Salam Mumuni talks about the movie industry.

Furthermore, he blames difficulties associated with production on the absence of cinemas in Ghana.

He made these statements on 3FM’s Easy Stream.

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Moreover, he said the revival of cinemas in the country would help producers retrieve money spent on production.

Also, he said it would serve as a means of revenue generation. This is to enable producers to embark on other major projects.

Abdul Salam Mumuni on movie cinemas

“We need movie cinemas all over the regions. In Accra alone, we need like five cinemas. We don’t have cinemas in place now so if you shoot a good movie you cannot make your money out of it.” 

Moreover, he believes the days of cinema made the movie industry more lucrative. This is compared to what is happening on the movie scene now.

According to him, movie producers in the past even made money for just promoting their movies and making sales from VCDs and DVDs. However, the situation is different now.

Furthermore, he noted that people are gradually watching movies in the cinemas. Hence the call for more cinemas to accommodate the hundreds of movie lovers who visit the cinemas.

About this writer:

Lawrencia Larbi-Amoah