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I Voted For NPP But I’m Disappointed In Their Governance – Caroline Sampson

Radio and television presenter, Caroline Sampson talks about the present government. According to her, this is the worst form of the President Akuffo-Addo government.

“I am mad, I am just so mad, 2/100” 

Moreover, according to Caroline expectations were very high when Ghanaians handed the baton of leadership in the country to President Akuffo-Addo.

She added that expectations were high because the current NPP government made a lot of promises. However, they failed those promises.

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Also, she revealed that she voted for President Akuffo-Addo. Furthermore, she that she felt President Mahama was not ready for the presidency. Therefore, she voted him out to go and prepare and come back stronger.

Caroline further urged the current NPP government to do away with the ‘we need time’ pronouncements and do more as they have raised expectations of many Ghanaians to the roof.

She went on further to state that she will be willing to campaign for particular the NDC in the next election if they offer her a great deal.

About this writer:

Lawrencia Larbi-Amoah