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I Deserve To Win ‘Journalist Of The Year’ – Kwame Sefa Kayi

Host of Kokrokoo Morning Show, Kwame Sefa Kayi, is commenting on the controversy surrounding his recent award.

People are of the view that he does not deserve the award. Others too are of the opinion that he is better than the award.

Kwame Sefa Kayi disagrees with those who say he is above the title of the journalist of the year. “Some say I’m above it. I don’t know whether to reject it. I don’t think I’m better than anybody.”

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Kwame Sefa Kayi made these statements on Uniiq FM. He added “even if the Konkomba yam sellers call me for an award, I will go and receive it”.

He said contrary to speculations, he believes he has worked hard enough. “I deserve this award. There’s nothing like being honoured by your own peers. It’s a good feeling.”

Other Topic Of Conversation

Furthermore, the conversation veered into good journalism. Kwame Sefa Kayi stated, “A good journalist may not be perfect but should always strive for excellence, not perfection. That person must be fair, objective and should report the issues dispassionately.”

Moreover, he said a good journalist’s work is well-researched. Also, that person should have the ability to nose around for what is important and should “try as much as possible to be even-handed”.

Kwame Sefa Kayi also commented on the issues people have with the private media. He mentioned that people liked sensational stories. “That’s why sex sells.


About this writer:

Lawrencia Larbi-Amoah