Check Out Five Celebrities Slaying In Bikinis (Photos)
A bikini is usually a women’s abbreviated two-piece swimsuit with a bra top for the chest and underwear cut below the navel. The basic design is simple: two triangles of fabric on top cover the woman’s breasts and two triangles of fabric on the bottom cover the groin in front and the buttocks in back. The size of a bikini bottom can range from full pelvic coverage to a revealing thong or G-string design.
Many celebrities like to exhibit third bikinis as some are bought are very high prices.
Deborah Vanessa

Debora Owusu Vanessa is a television Presneter, top model and a musician. She likes to cruise at the beach a lot.
Sista Afia

Ghanaian born Highlife musician Sista Afia, born Franchesca Duncan Williams based in the UK loves to swim. check out her bikini.
Kisa Gbekle
Controversial Ghanaian actress and rising musician cannot be left out of the list as she shines in her bikini.
Ahuofe Patri

Priscilla Opoku Agyemang is an actress and loves to swim a lot. She has been spotted so many tomes at the beach and pool side.
Efia Odo
Budding actress Efia Odo is an equal lover of the beach/pool. check out her out as she basks in her bikini