Abrokwah Never Retained Me So How Can He Fire Me?-Lawyer Maurice Ampaw
Image: Lawyer Maurice AmpawYesterday was a day scheduled for Afia Schwarznegger and her ex husband, Lawarence Abrokwah to appear in court for a hearing concerning their marital issues but news has it that the legal representative of Abrokwah, Lawyer Maurice Ampaw never showed up. His absence led to allegation that he had been fired by Abrokwah.

But Lawyer Maurice Ampaw has come out to deny claims that he was fired by the husband of comedienne, Afia Schwarzenegger, Abrokwah.
According to him, the husband of the TV personality never hired his services and cannot even pay him for his services so reports that he has been fired are untrue.
Lawyer Ampaw indicated that he took up the case voluntarily and thought he was becoming too emotional about the case and later had to give it out to a learned colleague to continue the case.
The Lawyer, speaking to peacefmonline.com explained that “Abrokwah never retained me so how can he fire me? I took up the case and volunteered to help him because he is my old friend. How much did he pay me? Can he even pay me? Abrokwah hasn’t paid me anything and I didn’t take anything from him but I don’t want to be part of the case anymore; that’s all”.
Mr. Lawrence Abrokwah is facing five charges including domestic violence with emotional, verbal and psychological abuse, publication of obscene material, assault and threat of harm.