Vicky Zugah Warns Diamond Appiah
Actress, Vicky Zugah sends a strong warning to her colleague actress and musician, Diamond Appiah.
Moreover, Zugah took to her Instagram wall to send out a strongly worded warning to Diamond Appiah. In the post, Vicky tells the politician, Diamond Appiah, to make sure she keeps her name out of her mouth. This is because the things Diamond Appiah says about her are very despicable, which she does not appreciate.
Furthermore, Zugah reveals in her post that her colleague blacklisted and blocked her from communicating with her. This came about because of a trivial matter that came up between them a few months ago. She goes on to express her displeasure at Diamond Appiah because she does not understand why someone who does not want to talk to her will keep on making up lies about her.
Zugah, ends her rant by stating that enemies are not God. She also leaves the entrepreneur, Diamond Appiah, to her conscience