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Reasons To Take Less Salt

Image: Salt spilled from shaker

Salt is essential in our everyday diet. However, too much of everything is bad. Salt when taken in excess brings about a lot of troubles.

Below are the reasons to reduce your salt intake.


We’re never told about how salt can contribute to weight gain. Salt itself doesn’t cause obesity as such. But what salt does is, it makes you thirsty. And when you’re thirsty, you might be tempted to drink soda. Furthermore, soda is rife with sugar, which does cause weight gain. Teenagers and children are more susceptible to this. When they’re thirsty, they’re probably going to want a coke.

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Salt Can Cause Stomach Cancer

This one is really scary. Cancer is generally scary. However, stomach cancer is arguably one of the scariest, as it has such a bad mortality rate. A bad diet can cause stomach cancer. It makes sense when you really think about it. Salt is a big risk factor. If you reduce your intake of salt, you can reduce your risk of developing stomach cancer.

Water Retention

Water retention leads to bloating. Bloating is uncomfortable. Sometimes bloating takes ages to go away, and it makes us feel rubbish for a few hours. There are different causes of bloating, and too much salt intake is one of them. Reduce your salt intake and see what happens.

Salt Can Age You Prematurely

None of us want to look older before our time. Yet many of us are consuming things that are accelerating the ageing process, from alcohol to salt. Salt is the enemy of youthful beauty. It will strip you of your youthful glow, add fine lines and wrinkles. That is because we mostly eat refined salt just like sugar.

Salt is an Irritant

Salt is actually an irritant that can wreak havoc with your internal system. It can trigger toxins to become active, which in turn can leave you feeling fatigued and generally out of whack. Salt can also weaken your taste buds, so that your sense of taste isn’t as sharp as it once was.

About this writer:

Lawrencia Larbi-Amoah