5 Foods To Eat To Ease Menstrual Cramps
Periods are no fun especially when cramps set in. Its accompaniment mood swings and low energy are just a few of the annoying symptoms. However, there are certain foods you can eat to alleviate the pain that comes with monthly menstrual cycle.
Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is high in antioxidants and magnesium to help ease cramps and mood swings. It also stimulates the production of endorphins, otherwise known as “happy hormones” that keep you calm and cheery. Just remember: the darker the better.
High in potassium and vitamin B6, bananas ease bloating and help your muscles relax (including your uterus!). Getting enough potassium also helps to regulate blood pressure and send oxygen to your brain – all useful in keeping your mood in check!
Chow down yogurt, a hearty source of calcium. The good bacteria cultures in yogurt also promote healthy digestion to soothe tummy troubles during that time of the month.
Salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which play an important role in relaxing your muscles and steadying your nerves. This will help to deal with cramps and crankiness.
This one may feel counterproductive. Drinking more water will help your body release water retention and alleviate bloating. “Your body is retaining water because it’s afraid of not getting enough. So, if you give it what it needs, more water, it will release the water it’s holding onto.”