8 English Words You Won’t Believe Exist!
Words play a major role in our everyday speech.
You must think you speak English pretty well, don’t you? I thought so too, until today. Turns out there are so many words out there that describe really common things we encounter every day, but that I had no idea even existed. Impress your friends by casually slipping these words into a conversation at your next big social event.
We went on a hunt and found ten of such words you’d never believed existed.
Check them out below:
1. Kerfuffle (kəˈfʌf(ə)l), (Noun)
If somebody asked you the following question, would you know what they meant?
“What’s all the shouting for? Why are you making such a kerfuffle?”
It means to make a fuss or a bother, usually when people have different points of view. Imagine two of your friends having a minor disagreement over something and making quite a bit of noise – doesn’t kerfuffle sound like a great way to describe the situation?
For example; Those who had come to know him regarded John as pilgarlic.
3. Philtrum(ˈfɪltrəm) ,(Noun)
The vertical groove between the base of the nose and the border of the upper lip.
4.whippersnapper (ˈwɪpəsnapə), (Noun)
5.Cachinnate (ˈkakɪneɪt), (Verb)
Laugh very loudly.
Think of that friend who has to stop laughing before anyone can even contemplate moving on to the next topic of conversation. Example; “That party last night was so rambunctious that none of us could stop cachinnating.”
6. Dysania, (Noun)
The state of finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning. If you have met anyone who finds it easy to get out of bed in the morning, please get in touch. We’d like to learn their secret.
7. Agerasia
The state of looking younger than one actually is. I guess everyone would like to be in this state.
Example; “Rose was stunned at her grandmother’s agerasia”
Using only one or two fingers on the computer keyboard!