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5 Ways To Use Sugar Without Eating

Sugar is necessary to everyone. It is a kitchen staple. However, sugar can actually do a lot more than just satisfy your sweet tooth.

It can be used from beauty treatments to fighting grass stains.

Check out the various ways to use sugar around the house.

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Uses for Sugar

Healing wounds

Sprinkling sugar on bedsores or ulcers before cleaning and dressing can help kill bacteria that prevents healing. Bacteria needs moisture to survive, and sugar draws water from the wound. A study showed that sugar was effective in curing painful infections.

Cool a burning tongue

The next time you burn your tongue (or eat something too spicy!) suck on a pinch of sugar or a sugar cube to help quickly relieve the sting.

Body scrub smoother
Sugar is a wonderful exfoliating agent for body scrubs. Make your own simple body scrub by mixing sugar with oil (coconut oil, almond, jojoba or olive) to create a loose paste. Gently rub on your skin and then rinse off in the shower.



Make lipstick last longer
Sprinkle a little bit of sugar on your lips after applying lipstick, wait a minute, then lick it off. The sugar draws moisture from the lipstick and will extend the color.




Fight grass stains
Combine sugar and warm water to create a thick paste; apply directly to the grass stain. Let the mixture sit on the stain for about an hour or two, then wash the garment as usual.


Eliminate cooking odors
To rid your kitchen of cooking smells, “burn” some sugar in a pan. Cook it to the point of medium dark caramel color, when the aroma still smells sweet. Caramel is a natural fragrance.



About this writer:

Lawrencia Larbi-Amoah