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5 Vital Signs To Know If It’s Love Or Lust

Love is an intense feeling of affection toward another person. It’s a profound and caring attraction that forms emotional attachment. On the flip side, lust is a strong desire of a sexual nature that is based on physical attraction. Lust can transform into deep romantic love, but it usually takes time.

Pure lust is based solely on physical attraction and fantasy–it often dissipates when the “real person” surfaces. It’s the stage of wearing rose colored glasses when he or she “can do no wrong.” Being in love doesn’t exclude lust. In fact, lust can lead to love.

Whether you’re in a relationship already or admiring someone from afar, sorting out your feelings for someone can be a real challenge. While there’s no clear, foolproof way to make the distinction for someone else, you can at least make the distinction clearer for yourself.

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There’s nothing wrong with wanting to rip your partner’s clothes off on a whim (it can definitely make for a hot relationship), but whether or not there’s a deeper love will determine the commitment level. Knowing the difference between love and lust will help you better understand just how romantically involved you envision being with your partner for the long term. And, what’s more, it’ll give you a good idea of just how to feel towards your partner, regarding his or her flaws and how they effect you.

There are no hard and fast rules, but there are a few ways you can tell the difference between love and lust.

Signs to know if it’s Love Or Lust

1.Is he/she the first in your mind or an option

If he’s the first person you think of when you find yourself with an extra ticket to an awesome sold out concert, it’s love. If you’d rather just stop by after the show when you’re sweaty, full of adrenaline, and want a quickie, it’s lust.

2.What Are Your Thoughts Of Him?

If you can genuinely see him as the father of your future children and you choose your favorite names based on what goes well with his last name, it’s love. If the thought of having his baby makes you chuckle and shake your head before you swallow your birth control pill, it’s lust.

3.Love To Be In Public Places Or Not

If you’re seen in public with him on a regular basis and it’s obvious you two are more than friends, it’s love. If you prefer to spend the majority of your time with him in bed, it’s lust.

4.Argument time

If you try to avoid fighting whenever possible and talk about your issues openly and rationally, it’s love. If you don’t mind having huge screaming matches because, well, make up sex, it’s lust.

5.  Rate Your Sexual Life

If cuddling after sex is half the fun, it’s love. If you have a get in and get out type of arrangement, it’s lust.


About this writer:

Peace Agyare

Peace Agyare loves to write and is addicted to reading. She is a staff at & A well bred journalist with a flair for entertainment, society and arts. She loves covering events and reporting personalities for the public consumption. Email : [email protected] Instagram @peaceagyare & Twitter ; @agyare_peace