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Doing English Songs An Advantage – Celestine Donkor

Gospel musician, Celestine Donkor talks about language in gospel music. Moreover, according to her doing English songs is an advantage to an artiste.

According to her, a Gospel musician who sings in English is most likely to go international than with the local language.

“Although it is good to sing in your local language, it is better to sing in English because a lot of people can understand what you are saying and appreciate you more” 

Furthermore, she stated that English is a common mode of communication in many countries. Therefore, a musician who sings in English is likely to get more gigs abroad

She made tthese statements in an interview with Showbiz. According to her, she came to this realisation when she travelled to Kenya to promote her latest song, Bigger.

“Although a lot of people were in love with my songs, it was difficult for them to relate to them because they didn’t understand the language” 

Therefore, she plans to do more English songs to attract collaborations from other great musicians from outside Ghana.

“I have been to Nigeria, Kenya and USA promoting my new single Bigger and getting up close with my fans. The love I was shown was awesome” 

“I want my work to speak for itself. I don’t want to move from one radio station to the other telling Ghanaians what I’m doing but I want to allow my work to do the talking” 

Aligning yourselves with Political parties will ruin your careers- Lenny Akpadie

Gospel musician, Reverend Lenny Akpadie cautions Ghanaian musicians. According to him, they must not be involved in politics especially during election years.

Moreover, according to him, it looks lucrative at the time. However, it goes along to affect these musicians negatively in the future.

He further recounted his experience with the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in December, 2008. Rev. Akpadie said that selling his hit song “Most High” to the NDC, was a big mistake that he regrets.

I gave my song to NDC for a year and they gave me GHC 7,500 even though I never performed at any of the NDC’s functions. The party wanted me to take to their platforms but I refused. I can say for sure that musicians who are in the limelight and associate themselves with political parties will suffer for it” 

Also, he added people tagged him as NDC during the process which went along to affect most of his business deals. His marriage almost collapsed as well.

“I Will Name My First Born Son After You”- Funny Face To Adebayor

Ghanaian comedian, Funny Face celebrates his friend Emmanuel Adebayor. He takes their ‘bromance’ to a whole other level. Moreover, he promises to name his first son after the footballer.

Funny face and Emmanuel Adebayor constantly show brotherly love towards each other.

Furthermore, in 2012 Adebayor gifted the comedian with a customized Range Rover SUV

Also, on his birthday this year, Adebayor gifted the “Children’s President” with a blank cheque.

Funny Face in an Instagram post today, expressed his gratitude. Moreover, he stated that he wanted his friend to have all the good things in life but he already has everything.

Therefore, to properly honor him and their brotherhood, Funny Face pledged to name his first born son after him.

Funny Face post about Emmanuel Adebayor

“Am celebrating you today like I always do bro .. you are a living LEGEND … In dis life .. everybody has got his or her guardian Angel ?.. God purposefully sends such people ur way .. for him to help you get to ur destiny so you also help others .. From day one all dis years .. you have been der for me .. never giving up on me no matter da situation .. went thru some though times in my life .. people I called friends and family all neglected and rejected me .. they were da ones who were behind most of my pain and trouble .. but like u called me on fone and said “ Obooooiiii relax . All dis shall pass , stay focus , keep ur head up and continue helping da children “

More of the post

ur words of motivation, ur advice and guidance brought me dis far .. bro my dream is to buy you a big private jet one day .. but as it stands my finances is not on dat level yet .. then I said I wanted to build u a mansion , then I realized , when it comes to mansions .. u are the king of mansions .. considering da number of mansions and projects u have … but den I notice der is something I can do to keep ur name for eternity in my life .. when am dead and gone one day .. Bro on dis day and time .. am making dis promise to u ..

am gonna name my first son “Adebayor “ just after u .. so ur name stays in my life forever .. when my son grows and gets married , his wife will ask him .. how come u are a Ghanaian and u are called “ Adebayor “ .. then he will tell her … “

when my father was alive .. he had a footballer friend who took my father as his brother and helped my father achieve ? percent of all his dreams “ I will smile in my grave .. cos he will also name his children after you !! You are a good man bro and a Legend in my family .. your legacy and name will linger on till eternity in my life … God bless you bro .. I celebrate you living LEGEND !! To who ever reading dis .. I pray God brings people like “Adebayor “ in ur life .. when it happens .. pls name ur children after dem .. so their name never dies .. after they are dead and gone !! ?? God bless you @e_adebayor and make all ur dreams come true !! Obooiiiii Na dieeeee” ??? #ChildrenPresident #MrHappiness

Joselyn Dumas Resigns From Joy FM

Award-winning television personality and actress, Joselyn Dumas reportedly parts ways with the Multimedia Group. Moreover, this comes seven months after joining the team.

According to reports, the actress resigned because she failed to produce the needed results.

In March 2018, Multimedia hired Joselyn to join Naa Ashorkor and Sammy Forson to help transform Joy FM and help outclass their competitors

Also, she joined Lexis Bill as the co-host of the station’s late afternoon show, Drive Time on Joy FM.

Part of her assignment was to host shows on Joy News and Joy Prime.

However, seven months down the lane, the actress has reportedly parted ways with the Media Group for reasons yet to be known.

Whilst some reports have it that she was dismissed because of low performance

Use Music To Change The Narrative Of Africa — Tourism Minister

Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Hon. Catherine Afeku urged musicians across the continent. According to her, musicians need to use their music to change the African narrative.

Moreover, according to her, the continent has an abundance of intelligent, talented and powerful musicians. These are people whose music are to promote development to change the narrative of Africa.

She made these statements at the 5th edition of All African Music Awards (AFRIMA)

“I trust that the narrative of Africa will change and it will change through music, art, and culture. We can use music as a conduit for peace. Also, to send a strong signal to the rest of the world that Africa has its challenges. However, we have overcome most of them” 

Our musicians are very talented, intelligent and they are ambassadors of hope to the next generation”.

“It is my belief that together we can put AFRIMA on a competitive tie and have a stronger voice in an increasingly competitive world. We want the people of this beautiful continent and the rest of world to see this as a call to duty; a call to every creative artiste in Africa, from the North to the South, to the East and the West.”

“It’s for this reason that Ghana institutionalized “See Ghana, Eat Ghana, Wear Ghana and Feel Ghana” campaign to drum home the huge tourism potential with an exciting range of products from culture, eco-tourism, heritage, beach and conference tourism serving as unique ingredients of any enticing destination”.

 Wendy Shay Drops Another Hot Tune ‘Masakra’ Featuring Ray James (VIDEO)

Rufftown records artiste, Wendy Shay is out with a new tune for the Christmas.

Wendy has once more proven that she didn’t leave nursing to take music as a joke.

The fast-rising artiste has once again released a new single dubbed ‘Masakra’ which features

rising artiste Ray James.

The song comes with a danceable tune and is already enjoying massive airplay.

Read Also:

In ‘Masakra’ Wendy Shay announces that she is now a born again Christian ready

to establish a church.

The remarkable video was however directed by Mickey Johnson.

Enjoy video below:


Social Media Users Tear Comedian To Shreds For ‘Paedophilic’ Tweet About Sarkodie’s 2-Year-Old Daughter

Comedian Warris has found himself wanted over his tweet about rapper Sarkodie’s daughter Titi.

The comedian, born Waris Abdul Umaru, tweeted that, “Sarkodie’s daughter is becoming RIPE. Very soon we ppl (people) will tear and eat”.

That post, unfortunately, did not go down well with many who described it as paedophilic.

Controversial feminism group Pepper Dem Ministries, disgusted by the post, shared the tweet on Facebook.

Descending heavily on the comedian in the post, several people also commenting under Pepper Dem Ministries’ post

also expressed their displeasure.


Actress Ama K. Abebrese reacting to the comedian’s post said: “I don’t [know] what kind of sick world we live in, when a so called comedian in Ghana thinks it’s ok to make sexual jokes about Sarkodie daughter. A little 2 year child I must add. Why would anyone in their right mind think this ok? It’s not funny, it’s very sick and disgusting.”

However, after receiving several backlashes for the tweet, the comedian rendered an unqualified apology to Sarkodie,

his wife and daughter.

It is a joke gone bad, he added.

“To anyone offended by my tweet concerning sarkodie’s daughter kindly tamper justice with mercy. Especially to @sarkodie @tracysarkcess @thenanaaba @Santokh72.” “I’m apologetically sorry, it won’t happen again. To (sic) ere is human, to forgive is divine.”



Rapper Manifest Wades Into Land Guard Issues

Ghanaian rapper M.anifest has expressed his disappointments in the activities of

Land Guards in Ghana and how the country has over the years accepted the menace as a norm.

Read Also:

In a tweet on his official Twitter account,

the “Me ne woa”  Hitmaker expressed his displeasure on why a fully paid land with all legitimate documents

will still require an owner to deal with land guards to prevent encroachers from invading the land or

at worst being sold to another person.

Is M dot on the verge of putting up a ‘million dollar mansion’?

Another Blogger Replies Criss Waddle

Ghanaian blogger, Tuga talks about Ghanaian musician, Criss Waddle’s brouhaha. He made certain revelations about Criss Waddle’s ‘king kong’ music video premiere. Moreover, the revelations are totally contrary to the picture the rapper painted a few days ago on social media.

He made these statements on Radio Universe’s entertainment show hosted by Zionfelix. Tuga further stated that he was at the program as a blogger to cover it. However, he bought the ticket, which cost GH30 cedis, before access into the auditorium for the premiere.

Also, he added that despite claims, there were several bloggers there. He personally had an interaction with the AMG business boss. Furthermore, he asked Waddle to make sure he gets the pictures from the premiere to do a story on it. However, he waited and waited for the pictures but it never came. Tuga further stated that once he didn’t get the pics, he sent a personal Whatsapp message to Criss Waddle but didn’t still receive a reply.

The blogger stated his shock when he saw the rapper rant on social media. Tuga stated that he also reacted with his own rant after he saw that of Criss Waddle only for the rapper to come back and reply to his message with an emoji. Therefore, Tuga told the rapper that he should cut bloggers some slack because he, as a blogger, tried to make a publication about the event but Waddle didn’t make it possible.

I’m Not ‘Promiscuous’ – Sista Afia

Sensational Ghanaian songstress, Sista Afia has taken back her words during a recent interview

admitting she was promiscuous.

The ‘Jeje’ hitmaker during last Monday’s interview with some journalists admitted she was


According to her, she inadvertently admitted she was ‘promiscuous,’ without knowing the

meaning of the word.

Sister Afia had invited the public and some journalists to a listening session of her new album

“Queen Solomon” set to be released on December 1, 2018 and after the session, she decided to

speak to the journalists.

During the interview, one journalist asked for a confirmation of whether or not she was

promiscuous as was being speculated, and she said, “Yes, I’m very

very promiscuous.”

However, in a radio interview on Accra based Hitz FM Thursday November 29, Sista Afia

said she was not herself on that Monday.


Her explanation was that she had taken in too much wine and was not really aware of what

she was saying.

“I don’t remember saying that but it could be because on my album launch, I had too many wine in my system, so I don’t remember what I said but I said I was promiscuous, I didn’t mean it, I didn’t think about it properly,” she said.

Sista Afia also noted that she was stressed out “one could even tell it from the interview that

I was so tired and so dizzy.”

To her, she does not even know the meaning of promiscuity but said the word sounded familiar.

“I didn’t get it, because I have heard promiscuity before, I have a perception about it …I thought I was right in my mind but then I find out later…

I didn’t know the meaning but I now know it,” she stressed.

Meanwhile, ‘Slay Queen’ hitmaker is yet to release an album titled “Queen Solomo

Ev. IK Annin Stole Bobolebobo Song From Me – Min. Isaac Sie

Gospel musician, Minister Isaac Sie accused his fellow, Evangelist Ik Annin of stealing his song, “Boborebobo”. He stated that Annin wants to be smart and run away with his glory.

Moreover, he believes his competitor, Ik thinks he lacks the financial strength to push the new tune “Boborebobo”. Therefore, he used his weakness to deny him of his privileges. However, he will not allow that to happen.

He made these statements while speaking to Zionfelix. The Brong Ahafo-based gospel artist said he is the original owner of the tune

According to him, Evangelist IK’s witnesses confessed that his version of the tune “Bobolebobo” was released months after he, Isaac launched his album in February this year. However, all efforts to convince IK Annin to take his tune off the market proves futile.

Isaac admitted that he does not have enough and that is why he failed to push the song on radio and TV after the album launch in February.

Moreover, the host asked if he will sue Evangelist IK Annin for copyright infringement. Isaac Sie said his management has something. However, he is not aware of their game plan as at the time of the interview. Therefore, he cannot confirm or deny if there is any lawsuit.

The Only Thing That Motivated Me To Go To School Was Waakye- Sister Afia

Sister Afia, has disclosed that that the only thing that motivated her to go to school was the ‘waakye’’ been sold at her school.

She revealed this on the throwback edition of GNTV’s Mid-Morning Entertainment Show, “The Brunch with Kwesi Dope”.

Waakye is a Ghanaian dish of cooked rice and beans.

It is cooked using many of the methods without additional spices and herbs. The rice is cooked with an indigenous leaf and black eyed peas or kidney beans.

It is commonly prepared in the home but it is also sold by roadside vendors.

The Songstress had her senior high education at Afia kobi Ampem Girls and

also Angel Educational Complex in the Ashanti region of Ghana before leaving to pursue nursing in the UK.

The ‘jeje’ Hit-maker is set to release her first studio album titled Queen Solomon” at an outdoor concert

on Saturday December 1st 2018 at the west hills mall

You Can Be In Love With A Person And Still Cheat – Zynell Zuh

Ghanaian actress Zynell Lydia Zuh has shared her opinions on the rising topic of

‘Cheating’ has become a menace in most marriages and relationships across the world.

Whiles some see it as a natural act, others vehemently oppose it. A few are also of the view that a partner cannot cheat if he/she truly loves his/her partner.

Sharing her views on the said topic however, Ghanaian actress Zynell Lydia Zuh seems to agree with the latter.

Read Also:

Speaking on GhOne TV as pundit on Tales From The Powder Room on 28th November 2018 and hosted by Cookie Tee, the actress set the records straight when asked by the host whether it is possible for one to love a particular person and still cheat on him/her.

“I think it is possible, one can be in love with a person and still cheat. It happens and it is real. There are so many reasons to this. One major reason is being in a relationship with someone you love so much but unable to satisfy you sexually” she lamented.

The fashionista however stressed that it is not a good practice and should not be encouraged especially in marriages.

Sista Afia Talks About Relations With Shatta Wale

Ghanaian musician, Sista Afia talks about relationship with Shatta Wale. Moreover, she spoke about why she wasn’t everywhere with Shatta as before. According to her, the reasons behind this are simple.

Sista Afia further revealed that she decided to take a little break from walking around with Shatta Wale. This is because many people always associated her with Shatta’s brand. However, she added that her association with Shatta’s brand wasn’t wrong but she felt it was right for an upcoming star who wanted to make a name for herself in the tight music industry.

Also, she stated that the two still have a great personal relationship behind the scenes. Afia further continued that Shatta Wale is currently very proud of her because of how she has gradually created a name for herself in the music industry and ended her submission with a salute to the self-acclaimed dancehall king for all that he has done for her musically over the years.

Sista Afia releases the ‘Queen Solomon’ album on December 1, 2018, with a mega concert at the Westhills Mall.

I’m Back To Ghana For Good To Redeem My Lost Glory – Gospel Musician Paa Boateng

Ghanaian gospel music artiste, Paa Boateng, has announced his presence back into the music industry.

The ‘Ohia Bamba’ hitmaker has been absent from the music scenes for quite a long time now.

But Paa in a quick chit-chat with Zionfelix at a private birthday for Prophet Eric Boahen revealed that he has been abroad taking care of a few things but now he is back for good.

Paa Boateng also quoted the popular Akan proverb which makes that point that man will have to come back to his roots after all the travels and hustle through the world, to make the point that he is really back.

Paa Boateng is the author of some hit songs; Ohia Bamba, Afe Yi, Kookrokoo, Osee Yee just to mention a few.

Watch the video below;


Even If Shatta Wale Organises His Own Awards, Stonebwoy Will Win Dancehall Artist Of The Year – Yaa Pono

Rapper Yaa Pono aka Ponobiom has lashed out on dancehall act, Shatta Wale again.

According to him, Shatta Wale is no where near BHIM President Stonebowy all other things

being equal.

Yaa Pono is 100% sure that even if  Shatta Wale organizes his own awards scheme, Stonebwoy

will still win the ultimate regardless.

He made this comment just after the AFRIMA awards where Stonebwoy was crowned the ‘Best

Dancehall & Reggae Artiste of The Year’ at the expense of the self-acclaimed Dancehall king,

Shatta Wale.


Yaa Pono added that Shatta Wale should be called “Jama King” or King of “Asorkpor”.

“Tell me, how many Dancehall songs has he released this year? Or how many Dancehall

songs has he got on his wack Reign Album? Ponobiom quizzed.

See screenshot below:


Government Must Pay Teachers Better Than MPs – Musician

Budding Gospel artiste Vicky Brako says teachers must earn “better” salaries than politicians.

According to her, teaching as a career is far a noble profession than any other one out there.

She further expressed great worries at the rate at which people look down on teachers in the country.

Vicky Brako however blames governments for this issue and has therefore called on Ghanaian governments to “respect” the good works of teachers.

Read Also:

This, she said, would motivate others to take the profession “seriously” and also impart knowledge to others.

“Teaching is far better than any other profession. I don’t see why people will abandon the teaching profession for any other thing. I blame all governments for looking down on teachers. Teachers must be paid better than our politicians,” Vicky Brako stated.

Vicky Brako, a teacher by profession, who recently released two singles titled ‘Jesus By My Side’ and ‘Adom No Nti’ featuring Selina Boateng.

She also revealed that despite her passion for music, she will not stop teaching.

“I can’t abandon my teaching profession for music no matter how much money I make. It’s okay to do both,” she added.

Vicky Brako will soon release another album titled ‘Aseda Vol 11.

Rocky Dawuni Performs At Healing Our Spirit Worldwide Festival

Ghanaian international music icon, Rocky Dawuni announced his next stop on his Acoustic Tour of Australia.

He performed at the 8th Gathering of Healing Our Spirit Worldwide in Sydney.

The Gathering of Healing Our Spirit Worldwide is at the International Convention Centre, Sydney. Moreover, it brings together indigenous peoples from around the world to gather and celebrate the power of knowledge and wisdom.

Also, they share our stories with pride and purpose and to harness the spirit within and around us.
Rocky Dawuni performed at Healing our Spirit Worldwide Festival

He further had another show and then proceeded with a closing ceremony with the famous Aboriginal Band, Yothu Yindi, on Thursday, November 29, 2018.

Rocky Dawuni is a Ghanaian singer and songwriter who performs his signature ‘Afro Roots’ sound. It is a mixture of Reggae, Afrobeat, Highlife and soul music.

Dawuni had six albums by 2015.

Nana Addo’s Government Not Living Up To Expectation – Lydia Forson

Outspoken actress Lydia Forson has shared her views on the current state of Ghana’s economy.

The actress has disclosed that she is not impressed with the general performance of the current government.

According to the multiple awards-winning actress, the government led by President

Nana Akufo-Addo, has failed to deliver on its promises.

When host of Hall of Fame on Citi TV, AJ Sarpong asked if the government ticks all her boxes,

she answered in the negative.

“No, absolutely not,” she said.

Expatiating her reasons however she noted;“you know when they won the election I wrote a piece, it was supposed to feature in the New African Woman. I said that you know what, they were setting themselves up for failure.”

According to Lydia, she refuses to completely discredit the President or completely give

up because if Ghana does well it benefits everybody.

However, she thinks the government was arrogant about their promises prior the the 2016 elections.

“My article was based on their social media promises. They wanted to win by any means necessary. But I think when you have been in opposition for a very long time you forget what is like to be the head that wears the crown. So maybe any other party government may not be frustrated as we are. Maybe things take time to pick up,” she told AJ.

“But because of all the promises they made and the boldness with which they made them. They were almost arrogant about their promises,” she intimated.

Miss Forson finally noted that the New Patriotic Party (NPP)probably were doing old

school politics during the 2016 elections.

She said even though she was not surprised at the turn of events she is expecting that the

government does exactly what it promises with the timeliness.

Lydia has been very vocal on varied issues concerning humanity.


While some admire her confidence and intelligence, there are others who seriously resent

her approach and reaction to certain issues.

Her first movie role was a cameo in Hotel St. James in 2005.

After that she took part in the Next Movie Star reality show in 2007 and emerged the third runner-up.

Some movies she has starred in are Run Baby Run, Different Shades of Blue, Scorned,

The Perfect Picture, Keteke, Side Chic Gang, among others.

She recently won Best Supporting Actress Movie/TV Series’ for her role as Kukua in the

movie for the ‘Isoken’ movie and Best Actress (comedy) at the Golden Movie Awards.

Watch interview below;

Okomfour Kwadee To Drop ‘Gye Wani’ Music Video Today

Ghanaian recording artiste, Okomfour Kwadee is ready to release the his maiden

music video after his comeback today, 30th November, 2018.

Jerry Anaba as he is known in private announced his comeback into the music scene

after a hiatus few months ago.

The video is however for his song ‘Gye Wani’.

Check Also:

‘Gye Wani’ is among his four singles released earlier.

Directed by Enchill, the music video is a blend of contemporary and indigenous visuals

to suit his loyal fans and new patrons.

The rapper took to Instagram to let his fans in on the release of the video.

To whom much is given much is expected, The journey is far from over. To all who contributed to the success of my first video shoot since my comeback I say “MEDAASE,”reads his post.

Meanwhile, Kwade3 has released four singles, ‘Gye Wani’, ‘Bust Up’,

‘Me Bototum Ay3 Ma’, among others, off his upcoming album.

He’s also the author of timeless hiplife joints such as ‘Aboro ne Bayie’, ‘Ataa Adwoa’,

‘Ka Wo Nan To So,’

Post below;

Kafui Danku Pokes Fun At Yvonne Nelson’s Daughter

Ghanaian actress, Kafui Danku shows off her silly side. She took to her Instagram handle to shade Yvonne Nelson’s daughter, Ryn Roberts. Moreover, according to her, she found Ryn’s twin sister.

This further comes after she went on an “expedition” on her social media.

In a snapshot on Kafui’s Instagram page was a doll which bears a striking semblance to Ryn Roberts, daughter of the award-winning actress.

The caption which came with the post read,

“Oya, Ryn Roberts, I’ve found your twinnie.”