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(Video) Lydia Forson Narrates Her Encounter With A Security Guard

What is happening in this country?

Lydia Forson shared a video of an encounter with a security on her blog. The post is titled “The Abuse of POWER, WOMEN and How I was Physically Assaulted by A Security Official”.

Blog From Lydia Forson

I don’t even know where to start this piece from.

How do I explain that I woke up excited about my day unaware of the very dangerous encounter I was to have.

How do I write in a language that won’t be judged, misinterpreted or dismissed.

Do I speak on my assault without someone tone checking me, questioning the validity of my claim and trying to make it my fault.

Because that’s the never ending cycle women in this country go through whenever the subject of any type of abuse is brought up.

Who we are becomes the centre of the conversation and NOT what happened to us?

How we speak on the subject will determine if we deserve sympathy or not. We have to hold back the anger we feel, speak in a more acceptable tone and basically focus more on how people receive what we’re saying instead of the pain of what we went through.

That’s why I’ve been staring at this blank page for a few hours now.

Today it happened to me.

More From The Post

I was psychically assaulted by a national security official (or so he claimed).

I’ve heard the stories of the “boys boys” who’ve become oh so powerful because they’re on the pay roll of one “Big Man” (most times a politician in power).

They usually don’t have any real title and no specialities other than the endorsement from their “meal ticket”. However, that’s enough to make them feel they can get away with just about anything. It’s enough for them to assault people at the Flagstaff House, storm into a court room and assault a judge etc.

But I’ll be damn if I become just another statistic, a number they get to put into their little black book, belch over cheap bottles of beer and laugh about how they “shook her”.

See, I know my rights, and not only that, I’m not afraid to stand my ground.

This knowledge is the ONLY reason why I made it out today; it’s the only reason why only my arm hurts and not the rest of my body.

Post Continued

Filming in Ghana has its challenges especially when it comes to locations, but our determination is what leads us to make do with what we have.

Most filmmakers being aware of this usually try to get the right permits to avoid any confusion; but even at that we’re sometimes at the mercy of passers by, police and others in authority.

Today we chose a spot often used in movie production (mostly by NAFTI students as it is by their hostel).

A few minutes into the shoot a car drives up and a man with a walkie talkie jumps out and tells us we’re not permitted to be there.

Our director insists that we are, he together with the crew try to reason with the man but he refuses and the director decides that we should just leave to avoid what seemed like a situation that was escalating.

I observed all of this from a distance and noticed the man was fixated on the female crew member who happened to be the one driving. As she turned to leave he started to verbally assault her, why? Because she had “dared” challenge his claim that we weren’t allowed there; he continued to hurl insults at her until I heard him say finally “ you think you are somebody”.

That triggered me.

It’s something I’ve heard more times than I can count, especially when it’s in a confrontation with a man. I’m either “ashawo”, “too known”, or an “unmarried small girl”.

More on the story

It’s usually comes from a place of disdain, anger and genuine surprise that a woman, who they believe they’re superior to, would even “dare”, stand up to their authority.

I’ve had too many men say to me, “My wife would never speak to me like that”, which is true in most cases, because the patriarchy that exist in our society does give a lot of men this false sense of superiority.

And by his utterances I could tell things were about to get ugly, so I walked up to him and said he didn’t need to go that far, especially since we were already leaving.

He immediately turned on me, like a poked bear ready to devour its prey.

Now before I continue you should know we were just about 4 women there with about 10 men.

Men who were shouting, calling him out and insisting that he was in the wrong, even when one rushed up to his face he didn’t as much as raise a hand to them.

But the minute I stepped in, I wasn’t allowed into the “boys only zone”, I was an intruder and my presence alone was a threat to the size of his balls.

Without hesitation he turned on me and started making threats; I took out my phone and decided to record his actions but that only aggravated him because it meant I had the upper hand, it meant he couldn’t lie about what happened later.

He quickly lunged at me and tried to hit the phone out of my hand, in the process he punched my arm and continued to come for me.

Save for the crew, this man was ready to beat me to a pulp and he said as much.

More on the story

When I told him he didn’t have the right to, he responded with a smirk on his face “I can beat you if I want, my authority gives me that right and no one can do anything about it”.

Yes, you read right.

But he wasn’t alone, a policeman was there with him and although he didn’t join in the attack did very little to the man.

He said he was only there to “observe” and not participate; when asked if his “observation” meant to watch a civilian being assaulted he asked for “proof” of assault.( He’s the one in the blue,clearly in the middle of it all)

When their supervisor showed up, much to the dismay of everyone there (and there were several witnesses) the policeman said the officer didn’t verbally or physically assault any of us.

At that moment, watching as these men threw their weight about, I knew that this wasn’t about who was right or wrong, it wasn’t about the law it was all about POWER.

Today’s incident got me to reflect on two things; the never ending abuse women face and the abuse of power in this country.

Advice to women

On women;

Unfortunately what happened today didn’t surprise me; if anything as a woman in a country where we’re often treated as second class citizens I expect to have confrontations like this, expect to be treated poorly by men, I expect them to try to exert their authority over me and I especially expect them to feel they can get away with it; which they do most often than not do.

But the knowledge of this doesn’t quite prepare you for the encounter; you’re filled with rage, confusion and a lot of fear, even though you try to mask it with bravery.

As you stand your ground and refuse to be abused; you’re well aware that you’re playing with fire, you’re aware that the louder and stronger you seem, the angrier they become and the more they want to hurt you, you’re aware that your strength challenges their authority and bruises their ego; and there’s nothing as dangerous as a man’s bruised ego.

But what’s worse is you’re afraid to share your story because you can’t trust that people will get it, you can’t trust that they won’t blame you, you can’t trust that they won’t justify it.

Therefore, you’re conflicted.

Story continued

On the abuse of power;

Several assault cases in this country go unreported or the perpetrators go unpunished; depending on who you know you can get away with almost anything in this country.

If you’re connected to anyone in power, you become invincible, not even God can touch you.

It’s why this man was bold enough to say he could beat me, it’s why the police officer stood by and did nothing, it’s why making calls to people in “high places” won’t do much unless you’re connected to “power”.

And we have more than enough examples of cases like this to go by.

People sat on radio, TV and other platforms to make threats and still got a seat at the table of authority.

Sadly, when our leaders do ever speak against this(usually after public outcry), their actions hardly ever reflect their words because they’re serving two masters; the people that put them in power and the citizens they’re supposed to govern.

So they’re tough on their reprimand but not tough enough to alienate them from their party faithfuls.

More On the story

I got lucky, not everyone will and much the like unfortunate instances of killings of civilians by SARS officials in Nigeria. If not careful this could creep into Ghana.

None of us ever expect to be in these kind of situations. However, it’s important to stay ready for them because you never know. This got me through, and I hope you don’t ever need these tips.

1. Know your rights.

2. Know that knowing your rights might mean nothing in certain circumstances.

3. Immediately start to record a situation you believe is about to escalate; it’s probably the only thing that’s going to save you from further harm.

4. Share to your social media platforms, friends and family just in case something happens to you.

The Video Of The Assault

KKD Gifts Shatta Wale A ‘Jaguar Walking Stick’

Ace Ghanaian Broadcaster, Kwasi Kyei Darkwah (KKD) has gifted dancehall act, Shatta Wale a Jaguar walking stick.

It looks like 2018 is a ‘give and receive’ year for Shatta as he was a few days ago gifted with a Toyota Highlander by the CEO of MaddHaus Entertainment, Livingstone Abani.

Prior to this, Wale, who won for himself a 2017 dodge sedan at the Just ended People Celebrity Awards presented a member of SM militant Captan a brand new Toyota car.

The dancehall artiste, took to Facebook to showcase his gift and extend his appreciation to the giver.

He posted a picture of the stick with the ‘Jaguar’  on it.

Shatta Wale captioned the image;” I just wanna say a big thank you to KKD for this wonderful gift ..The Almighty Jaguar walking stick …God bless you daddy..”




RIP! Veteran writer and diplomat, K.B Asante dead at age 93

Kwaku Baprui Asante, affectionately called KB Asante, has passed away.

KB Asante was a retired diplomat, writer and politician.

The former president of the Ga-Adangbe Council died at his Labone Apapa residence in Accra.

He was the Secretary to Ghana’s First President Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. Also, he served as the Principal Secretary at African Affairs Secretariat from 1960 to 1966.

K.B. Asante attended Achimota School then Achimota College, where he taught mathematics. He proceeded to Durham University in Britain, where he obtained a BSc Mathematics in 1952. He also became a member of the Institute of Statisticians in 1953, before returning to Achimota, where he again taught mathematics.

Achievements Of KB Asante

Furthermore, he became Ghana’s Ambassador to Switzerland and the United Nations Offices in Geneva and the UN establishment in Vienna, with concurrent accreditation as Ambassador to Australia from 1967-72.

Moreover, he served as the Ambassador to Belgium, Luxembourg and the European Economic Community from 1976-1978.

Mr Asante retired from the Civil Service in 1978 to form the Social Democratic Front to contest the 1979 elections.

In 1982, he was the Secretary for Trade and Tourism in the PNDC administration. Later, he became Secretary for Education and Culture from 1986-1990.

He was the author of the book “Voice from Afar” and a regular columnist in various newspapers in Ghana.

I Deserve ‘Best Male Vocalist’ At This Year’s VGMA’s – Kurl Songx

Budding hiplife artiste, Kurl Songx says he deserves to walk away with the ‘Best male vocalist’ of the year award at the impending Vodafone Ghana Music Awards 2018.

According to the ‘Jennifer Lomotey’ hitmaker, his hit song, which features celebrated rapper Sarkodie should easily earn him the ‘collaboration of the year’ award.

He made these revelations in an interview with TV personality, Deloris Frimpong Manso on the Delay show.

Apparently, the quest for each artiste to win ‘Big’ at the 2018 VGMA’s seems to be on the rise as the date for the event draws closer.

Kurl, will be competing against artistes such as Ebony, Kidi, Kuami Eugene amongst others.

Kurl Songx, who claims he isn’t perturbed by the competition, said ‘no one’s song is bigger than any ones. I campaign for myself. If it doesn’t go for me, I am cool as long as Ghanaians are the ones choosing the winner.’

He called on Ghanaians to expect more romantic songs from him, saying “Jennifer Lomotey” is just a warm up. “I have so many beautiful songs [for the people] this year,” he added”.

Kurl Songx rose to fame after winning the season 5 of the popular reality TV show, MTN Hitmaker.

He has since become a household name in Ghana and is known for songs like ‘Feeling’ and ‘whistle’.

Naa Ashorkor Becomes Public Relations Officer for Groupe Ideal

Congratulations are in order for Naa Ashorkor!

Naa Ashorkor Mensah-Doku has just landed a new job as Public Relations Officer for Groupe Ideal. This comes after several years hosting TV show and radio.

Groupe Ideal is the umbrella company for several Ghanaian companies including Ideal Finance and TV Africa. However, she revealed that she will still be hosting ‘Showbiz A to Z’ on Joy FM.

Naa Ashorkor’s Words

Good morning world ! I have some news I’ve been sitting on for over a month now, I’m pleased to announce my New role as Public Relations Officer of Groupe Ideal , how cool is that ? (Doing my happy Dance at my desk )

Most of you know me know how passionate I am about contributing to the growth of young Ghanaian businesses , so I’m very glad to be working with a Company that has as one of its core mandates – encourage assisting young businesses with loans and investment advice and direction through Ideal Finance our flagship brand .

After about 9 years in the media , I believe this is good time to spread my wings and soar as high up as my faith and hard work will take me .

Looking forward to all the advice from my seniors in the PR and media industry, please keep them coming.

And oh yes in case you’re wondering ……I’m still your host #ShowbizAtoZ on your super station @joy997fm and we’re cooking up something new specially for us girls

Post From Naa Ashorkor

Nana Akua Addo Switches Up Hairstyle To Faux Locs

There’s is no way fashion is spoken in Ghana today without the mention of Nana Akua Addo. She is a fashion force and has been ‘Ghana’s Slay Queen’.

Nana Akua is an actress; however, she has gotten more acclaim and awards for her dress sense.

Nana Akua is an actress, model and fashionista who always cause a stare whenever she steps on the red carpet.

Recently, she made headlines with her mirror dress at the Abryanz Awards.

Over the weekend, Nana Akua posted herself in a different look. She now has braids on her hair.

If you know women, you know that hair is very important to us.

Everytime, there are new hairstyle to explore. We have not seen Nana Akua in faux locs for a while as she’s always in wigs and weaves.

The new look is very different and we like it on her. You know we love us some Nana Akua Addo.

Photos Of Nana Akua Addo In Braids

3 Shocking Side Effects Of Lipsticks You Should Know

Lipsticks are an integral part of makeup and add dollops of glamour to your looks

They are probably the most important component in a woman’s make-up kit. No make-up kit is complete without one (or many, considering the different shades and brands). They no doubt add beauty to your pout. But, at what cost? Lipsticks come with some unavoidable side-effects.

The lipsticks that we use on an everyday basis – particularly the unbranded ones – contain harmful heavy metals and preservatives. And when you accidentally ingest lipstick, you also ingest and expose your body to these trace metals beyond the “safe” or acceptable limit. Continuous exposure to heavy metals can take a toll on your body and cause serious medical conditions, including cancer.

Below are 5 side effects of using such lipsticks;

1. Preservatives Could Cause Breast Cancer

Well-known lipstick brands are approved by the FDA and are safe. However, unbranded products might contain toxic preservatives that exceed the acceptable limit. Some preservatives like parabens are known to cause cancer, especially of the breast.  Lipsticks that utilize these preservatives can also cause milder side effects like the irritation of the eyes, coughing, wheezing, and skin irritation.

2. Lead Affects Your Heart And Brain

Some lipsticks contain the element ‘lead’. When the lead present in lipsticks is absorbed by your body, it is distributed to your blood, soft tissues, and bones. If there is an excess quantity of lead in your body, it could affect your heart and cause hypertension (high blood pressure), coronary heart disease, and heart rate variability.

3. Cadmium Can Cause Kidney Failure

Another heavy metal that is found in lipstick is cadmium. Since cadmium cannot be easily excreted by your body, it builds up in the kidney. By so doing, it compromises with the kidney’s function and can increase your risk of kidney failure. Another interesting fact to note is that cadmium poisoning and its effects on the kidney are more severe in women than men, as the body burden of cadmium is higher among women.


Ideally, Apply Lipstick Just Twice In A Day

Ideally, you should apply lipstick no more than twice a day. According to a study conducted by the University of California, lipstick could be dangerous to your health if you apply it between 2 and 19 times a day. So, while re-touching your lips after every meal isn’t particularly harmful, if you find yourself reaching for that lipstick about 15 times a day, you might want to cut back.

Lipstick Can Be Harmful To Kids If Ingested

If your kids accidentally eat or swallow lipstick, they might experience diarrhea or vomiting. In most cases lipstick ingestion causes only mild toxicity to the stomach and intestines. But, to be on the safer side, if your child displays the symptoms of “lipstick poisoning,” it is wise to seek immediate help.9

Avoid Unbranded Lipsticks When Pregnant

Additionally, if you’re pregnant, apply lipstick moderately and avoid unbranded products. The toxic lead that you might ingest might get passed on to your baby and result in lead poisoning.


5 Types Of Red Colored Wedding Gowns That’ll Make You Rethink Choosing White

Who says it’s a must for you to wear a white dress on your big day?

So now that everyone is setting records when it comes to weddings, right from the proposal to the wedding itself, you might like to set one yourself.

These days, people have come out with different proposal types, how the bride will enter the wedding hall,etc.

If you perhaps want to be an exception amongst your friends who have already walked down the aisle, then you might want to take a look at the colors of the gowns.

Of course, we are all used to the white gowns but what about other colors.

Do you want to create a dramatic and memorable experience at your wedding? Your guests will never forget seeing the leading lady walking down the aisle in a red wedding dress.

While red wedding dresses have been the customary choice for brides in many Eastern cultures including China and India, they have recently gained popularity among Western brides as well. The color red historically symbolizes good luck, success, prosperity, love, happiness, and fertility.

Whether you’re choosing a red gown to align with cultural traditions, or if you just like the bold statement this color makes, there’s quite a few red wedding dresses to choose from.

Check them out below:

1.Off Shoulder Tulle Wedding Dress With Appliqué

2. Ball Gown Dress With Ruffles

3. Off-Shoulder Floor Length Wedding Dress

4. Elegant Red Wedding Dress


5. Off-Shoulder Lace Wedding Gown

Photo Credit:

Stonebwoy Shares Photo Of Wife, Louisa, With Baby Bump

Congratulations are in order for Stonebwoy and his wife.

Ghana’s dancehall artiste, Stonebwoy warmed up social media with a lovey-dovey picture of himself and wife, Louisa. The post was to celebrate Louisa on her birthday.

The photo was both to mark the new age of his partner and mother of his child. The dancehall artist posted a photo of himself and a heavily pregnant Louisa.

As previously reported, Stonebwoy teased fans about his impending fatherhood. Therefore, this is the confirmation that everyone wanted.

Post By Stonebwoy

“This Day The 19Jan. Is significant in My Life! I Celebrate You My Love.. Happy Birthday…”

Video: I’ll Give Birth When God Decides To Put A Baby In My Womb – Selly Galley

Award-winning actress and TV personality, Selly Galley says she is under no pressure to get pregnant.

She was speaking in an interview with Joy News’ MzGee concerning questions asked by fans on social media as to when she’ll give birth.

According to her, babies are a gift from God and she will definitely give birth at God’s chosen time.

The host of Premieres on Joy Prime channel on Multi TV said, “I get worried about the people who ask me to [be a mother]. I get worried about them because like I always say, when God decides to put a baby in my tummy, I’ll deliver.”

When asked whether she has decided to hold on giving birth in order to pursue her career, she said; “I don’t think a married woman will deliberately want to give herself time.”

“I don’t know exactly what for, but I think that when it comes to childbirth, its God’s timing and it’s something that every couple looks forward to. It’s the greatest joy so when the time is right,” she added.

Questions Fans Usually Ask Celebs

Celebrities in our part of the world are often confronted with two big questions especially the females.

One is “When are you getting married?” – that’s to those celebs who are thought of to be old enough to be married but are still single.

Second is “When are you going to give birth?” and this is to those who have tied the knot already.

These questions more often than not tend to get on the nerves of those who are being asked.

Apparently, Selly falls under one of the “Big” questions.

Selly Galley, has been married for almost three years now to Big J Cartel, also aka Praye Tiatia.

She’s currently working with the Multimedia Group.

Watch Interview Below:



I Overworked Ebony Last Christmas Season – Bullet

All work and no play makes people sick.

Bullet, the manager of the 90’s bad gyal Ebony, has spoken about the state of Ebony. He expressed his regret for overloading her with work during the festive season. This led to her sudden sickness and hence eventually cancelling some of their shows.

This issue came after they were accused of reneging on a contract. This was due to ‘K Monsi’ being on the verge of sueing Ebony and her management for accepting Ghs30,000 of the Ghs35,000 charge to perform. However, she cancelled the show some few hours to the program.

Bullet spoke to Sammy Flex on Zylofon FM. He was asked why they didn’t show up for the show. Bullet said Ebony fell sick on the day, that was why they could not make it to the show.

According to him, Ebony had been very busy during the last days of December playing back to back shows. At a point, there were some days she played like 4 shows. Therefore, she fell sick and they had to cancel the rest of her shows and also refund the performance fees to every promoter.

Words From Bullet

“It’s not like we delibrately refused to play the show. Ebony was sick and I have doctor’s reports to show for it. She has been very busy from the 28th, there were some days she have to play four show back to back. Therefore, she fell sick and i can’t take her to Hohoe to perform. I think the workload was too much and as a manager i have learnt my lessons, so moving forward this will not happen again.

Sarkodie Drops ‘Light It Up’ Featuring Big Narstie And Jayso Off Highest Album

Celebrated Ghanaian rapper, Sarkodie has released yet another banger dubbed ‘ Light It Up’ off his 2017 “Highest” album.

Featuring are Skillions CEO Jayso, and English Grind expert Big Narstie.

The visuals for ‘Light It Up’ was directed by Dego Visionz & Chalky.

This brings to 8, the number of visuals released off the rapper’s fifth album. A joint production of SarkCess Music and Dice Recordings Music.

More On Sarkodie’s Highest Album

“Highest”, is Sarkodie’s fifth studio album which he released on September 8, 2017. The “Highest” is a collection of 19 songs. It comprises 15 brand new songs, three interludes and a bonus track. The album is however a joint production by Sarkcess Music and Dice Recordings.

Highest follows Makye (2009), Rapperholic (2012), Sarkology (2014), and Mary (2015). It features  guest appearances from Big Narstie, Victoria Kimani (Kenya), Moelogo (UK), Spoken Word act Suli Breaks (UK), Korede Bello (Nigeria), Praiz (Nigeria), Yung L (Nigeria), Jesse Jagz (Nigeria), Flavour (Nigeria) and Bobii Lewis (UK).  The album was primarily produced by Jayso, with additional production from Masterkraft, TSpize, Ced Solo, Nova and Guilty Beatz.

Sarkodie, born Michael Owusu Addo is a multiple-award-winning artiste.  Sark is also CEO of his independent imprint ‘SarkCess Music’.

‘SarkCess Music’ is also home to singer Akwaboah, and fellow rap act Strongman. Sark is however, currently touring destinations across Europe with the album.

Watch below:

Miss Universe Can Sell Ghana To The World – Menaye Donkor

Menaye Donkor and Ruth Quarshie have touched on issues regarding beauty pageants in the country.

They spoke about this in an interview with 3FM.

The chief problem they spoke about was the lack of support. Menaye stated that if the Ministry of Tourism partnered with her, Miss Universe could do extremely well. However, she was quick to point out that it was still a baby under her. Therefore, she is trying to nurture it to attain the needed respect.

Opinion Of Menaye On Miss Universe

Furthermore, she outlined several way the government could sell Ghana. An example is when Ruth was in the Miss Universe international beauty pageant house, her wardrobe was purely made in Ghana.

Therefore if someone had expressed interest in her wardrobe she would have mentioned Ghana’s name.

That is verbal marketing even though we might overlook it. For all you know, the lady might go and look for the brand and then start researching more about Ghana.

Moreover, Ruth said when she was leaving for the international stage, everything from her bag to what she would wear were handled for her. Therefore,  all she had to do was just show up at the airport, and board the plane. Also, Menaye would check on her every single morning to find out how she was doing.

In all, she is happy with the treatment she had from Malz Promotion and its entire team.

One of the problems they identified was the lack of room and time to prepare Ruth sufficiently for the international stage.

Therefore, have allocated more time to prepare the next miss universe queen from Ghana for this year to adequately be equipped to represent Ghana on the international stage.

Founder of Ghana Movie Awards, Fred Nuamah Engaged

Over the weekend, John Dumeolo caused a media frenzy when he posted a picture of a woman wearing an engagement ring. Many assumed he had proposed.

However, it turns out it was rather a proposal from Fred Nuamah to his girlfriend. The proposal took place on an AWA flight from Accra to Monrovia.

Later on, John later cleared the air by posting more details saying.

“So my good friend and brother @fredericknuamah proposed to his lovely lady @martekor_ 35,000 feet in the air…and offcourse She said yes!!!! Congrats fred!!!!

The proposal happened on their way to Liberia for the inauguration of newly elected President of Liberia, George Oppong Weah.

The Proposal Video


SM Militants Release Their New Videos On Same Day

The Shatta Movement(SM) Militants have kicked off 2018 by releasing visuals to their respective debut singles under SM4LYF Records.

The SM Militants are Protégés and signers of dancehall singer shatta Wale under the SM4LYF Records.

Captan, Joint 77 and Addi Self are the members of the SM Militant group.

All three videos were directed by REX, and are already among trending videos on Youtube.

The trio shot to nationwide acclaim after their appearance on Shatta Wale’s Taking Over, released in March 2017.

Short Bio On The SM Militants

The group, comprised of Abdul Kadir Captan aka Captan, Melvin Owusu Prempeh aka Joint 77 and Samudeen Japharu Muhammed aka Addi Self.

The three have been together as a group for two years. They have however done more than two years in the music industry. Aside music, they are all businessmen. Captan currently is a building contractor and Addi Self has a boutique and barbering shop in Achimota.

Below are the videos for Otophista by Joint 77, Don’t Complain by Captan, and Today Too by Addi Self.





Photos: Ex President Rawlings Shows Cooking Skills On Yvonne Okoro’s TV Show

Ex-President Jerry Rawlings will be on Season 3 of Yvonne Okoro’s cooking show, ‘Dining With’. It will will start airing on Ghone TV soon.

The show promises to be exciting. It features an array of great personalities including former President Rawlings. He will be showing off his cooking prowess. It is the first time he has ever appeared on a cooking show.

Other personalities like Hon. Kennedy Agyapong, Kwaw Kese, Lydia Forson, Aplus, Afia Schwarzenegger and Nigerian male Barbie Bobrisky will also be on the show.

The likes of controversial counsellor George Lutterodt and sibling stars Sister Debbie and Wanluv Kubolor are some of the personalities to also look out for.

The award winning show does not only engages personalities who pass through to try cooking their favourite meals but also discuss other topical issues of the day and funny quiz moments.

Yvonne Okoro hosts the show. The third season is dubbed ‘Cooks & Braggarts’ just as the second season.

Photos Of Ex-President Rawlings

Get Rid Of Those Energy Drinks: 5 Health Benefits Of Drinking Coconut Water

Coconut ‘water’ is actually the juice present inside the endosperm (interior cavity) of the young (about 5-7 months old) and tender coconut. This clear liquid is sweet and sterile and contains various essential compounds such as vitamins, minerals, sugars, electrolytes, amino acids, phytohormones, and cytokine.

Each tender coconut may contain around 200 to 1000 ml of water, depending on the size and species. Any fruit that is younger than five months of age will be bitter and without any nutrients. On the other hand, mature coconuts have less water because their endosperm is thick with a white edible kernel.

Below are 5 reasons you should get rid of those energy drinks and take more coconut water;

1.It Prevents And Treats Dehydration

Dehydration occurs when the water content in your body drops. It is usually a result of not drinking enough water or losing water through excretion. Coconut water keeps you hydrated, which is why a lot of athletes use it as a post-workout drink.

When you are dehydrated, you don’t just lose water; you lose essential salts and nutrients as well. Coconut water, which has high water content and is rich in nutrients, helps replenish your body

2. Promotes Cardiovascular Health

For a healthy heart, you need to eat nutritious food and exercise regularly. And now, you can add drinking coconut water to the list.

Studies have shown that coconut water can reduce the risk of heart attacks, lower blood pressure, and hypertension.

Tender coconut water, preferably fresh, can be had once a day to improve cardiovascular health.

Caution—Coconut water might be low in calories, but the yield from one coconut can contain about five grams of sugar. Therefore, drinking too much coconut water is not recommended.

3. Aids Digestion

It is common knowledge that ingesting fibers is essential for your digestive system to function properly. Coconut water is rich in fibre, which is why it helps with your digestive system.

The water a single coconut yield contains about 9% of the amount of fiber that is required by your body in a single day.

4. Aids Weight Loss

Weight loss is one of the most amazing benefits of drinking coconut water. Consuming empty calories is one the main reasons you tend to put on weight. Aerated drinks and other sugary drinks can make you pile on calories and leave you feeling hungry. If you are seeking an alternative, coconut water is an excellent substitute.

Coconut water is a good source of dietary fiber. Fiber does not get digested by your body, so it stays in your system longer and keeps you feeling full. This is why you rarely feel hungry, and eat less.

5. Beneficial After A Prolonged Workout Session

Replace your energy drinks with coconut to stay hydrated even after a long work-out session.

Coconut water is rich in essential potassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium which helps natural replenishment of lost electrolytes in the body. Also, they assist in maintaining proper fluid balance.


Photos: Stonebwoy’s ‘Epistles Of Mama’ Album Rated Number 2 In The World

Award-winning Ghanaian dancehall act, Stonebwoy seems to have really started this year on high note.

His new album ‘Epistles Of Mama(EOM)’ has been rated the second best album in the world. His spot is above that of Damian Marley’s ‘Stony Hill’ album.

The ranking was done by readers of Reggaeville , the world’s biggest gathering of reggae lovers and fans on the internet.

Taking the first place on the list was Chronixx’s ‘Chronology’.

Stonebwoy’s Epistles of Mama‘ was released on December 12, 2017.

The double disk project is made up of 24 songs – 12 Dancehall/Reggae songs and 12 Afrobeat songs.

Featuring on the album are artistes such as; Sean Paul, Burna Boy, Sarkodie, Efya, King Promise, Edem and Joey B.

Stonebwoy, in an interview with Red Bull explained that“It’s inspired by the good morals, the teachings, the lessons, the anguish and the smiles of life. All the important things in life which are passed on to us by our mothers.”

The album is dedicated to the memory of his mother, Catherine Satekla, who died in 2015.

Below is the list of theTop five winners at the 2017 Regaeville Poll;

  1. Chronixx – Chronology
  2. Stonebwoy – Epistles Of Mama
  3. Damian Jr Gong Marley – Stony Hill
  4. Cidade Verde Sounds – Umdo12
  5. Hempress Sativa – Unconquerebel

Short Bio On Stonebwoy

He became the second Ghanaian Grammy nominee after an album he was featured on earned a nomination at the 2018 Grammys

Avrakedabra‘ by Morgan Heritage was nominated in the ‘Best Reggae Album‘ category at the awards scheme. The ‘Hero‘ act was featured on ‘Reggae Night (GlobalRemix) off the album released on May 19, 2017. He joined the group during their Europe Tour in 2015.

In 2015, Stonebwoy, born Livingstone Etse Satekla  won the ‘Ariste Of The Year’ award at the Ghana Music Awards. In the same year, he won the Best International Act: Africa at the 2015 BET Awards. This makes him the first Ghanaian to ever set such a record and one which is yet to be broken.





Vivian Jill Lawrence Names Top Kumawood Stars Who Have Been Scammed

Vivian Jill Lawrence has been through a lot these past couple of days. Apparently, she got swindled about Ghc 800 by mobile money fraudsters.

The information spread like fire after she shared her ordeal in a leaked voice note.

The actress made these statements to B Ice on Agyenkwa FM in Kumasi.

Vivian Jill revealed that her voice note was not meant for the public consumption but for a movie group on WhatsApp.

However, the actress added that many actors have informed her about mobile fraudsters duping them after she shared her story.

She mentioned the names of top actors who have fallen victim to the mobile money scam. She mentioned names like Maame Serwa, LilWin, Christiana Awuni and Auntie B.

Furthermore, the actress stated that the scammers took Gh1, 200 from Auntie B during the Christmas celebration. This affected her expenses during the season.

Moreover, the screen goddess disclosed that the number of the unknown person who defrauded her is still active.

According to her, the man is mostly seen on WhatsApp but does not reply messages. The actress again mentioned that she has information that the mobile money fraudsters operate from prisons.

Statement From Vivian Jill

“When I call the person it goes through and I even see him on whatsapp. I was told they operate from prison. One presenter called me from Konongo saying that a guy who came out of prisons confessed to him that it is a business going on there.

He told me that the ex-convict could not win his court case so he when went to cells, he realised that the mobile money fraud was a booming business there so he joined them and raised Gh7000 to make appeal and now he is out of prison.

The fraudsters are not freely walking around like us so if we want to arrest them, we have to go to prisons for more years to be added to their sentence.” 

I Didn’t Believe Sexual Harassment In The Industry Was Real – A.K Songstress

It is great to see people opening the conversation about sexual harassment in Ghana.

Dancehall artiste, AK Songstress has opened up about what goes on behind the scenes. She revealed that she knows that some men in the music industry in Ghana demand s*x from some female performers. They do this before they would agree to do something for them.

Currently, people are coming out to share their experiences with sexual harassment/ assault.

According to A.K, she always used to hear about harassment of females. However, she did not believe until it happened to her.

She spoke about this on Atinka TV.

Furthermore, she was asked to name the person who tried it on her. She declined to name the person. However, she revealed that the person wanted to have sex with her before he would give her his help.

She also said that any guy who crudely asks her for sex would chop a slap from her.

Watch the clip below

MUSIGA To Announce Standard Wages For Artistes In Coming Days – Obour

President of the Musician Union of Ghana(MUSIGA), Obour has revealed that the Union in the coming days will announce standard charges for musicians in the country.

According to him, the charges will be based on the ‘Class’ or Grade’ of the artistes.

Obour Speaks

He said, “We will have A-list artistes, B-list artistes, C-list artistes and MUSIGA is going to propose standard minimum wages that these artistes must be paid when you engage them for their services”.

He added that “We will mention the rates…what we will prescribe is not what the people will be charging but the minimum. It is one of the core mandates of MUSIGA just like the Ghana Bar Association (GBA) have their standards for lawyers. The lawyer works for one hour and there is an amount the lawyer must charge”.

Obour further stated that if musicians fail to comply with these new standards, “they will be ‘spoiling’ their own markets”.

The Musicians Union of Ghana is an umbrella group that unites all musicians in Ghana irrespective of their music genre.

Obour, born Bice Osei Kuffour is the current president of the association.