Get Married? Over My Dead Body! Richest Singer Reveals She Isn’t Walking Down The Aisle Any Time Soon. But Why??
While most ladies yearn for Mr. Right who they will settle down with, sire children and live happily ever after, multi-millionaire singer doesn’t subscribe to this school of thought.
She’s single with no ambition of settling down with a man as her hubby, at least not anytime soon. A mother of five, Akothee has tasted the sour and sweet part of life.
The filthy rich songstress divulged she isn’t the type that is looking forward to walk down the aisle. Apparently Akothee looks down on marriage.
She confirmed this when she took to the social media to talk about her experience at several embassies. She says several consulates have been getting to her nerves with their questions touching on her marital status.
“Haaa, embassies will kill me with some of their questions, “are you married?” Ha laa, if I was, I would hang that marriage certificate on my neck ,aaaa do I look like for better for worse?”
But why would she despise marriage with such kind of passion? Best guess, she’s still bitter with her ex husband.
Akothee’s hubby threw her out of their marriage when she was still a ‘nobody’. She faced such a hard life after the separation that she was forced to do odd jobs (she even became a matatu driver) just to make ends meet.