Gallery: Tuvuke Peace Tour Goes to Mombasa Polytechnic

The Tuvuke Peace Tour stuck to the coastal region after a massively successful showing at Shimo la Tewa last week. 2012 Groove Award Male Artiste of the Year Eko Dydda continued to thrill the audience at the Mombasa Polytechnic, as the Clean the Airwaves (CTA) team took to mobilizing them to shun tribalism and push for a peaceful Kenya.

Click here to view the CTA concert at Shimo la Tewa

The Tuvuke- Initiative for Peaceful and Fair Electoral process in Kenya is a systematic effort aimed at developing collaborative pre-emptive actions and activities to forestall any pre-planned or spontaneous violence before, during and after the elections and to equip Kenyans with knowledge and skills so that individually and collectively they can enhance peace and justice.

Here are a couple of pictures from the peace tour edition at the Mombasa Polytechnic:



About this writer:

Kevin Oyugi