Full list of most popular radio personalities in Kenya finally out…Maina Kageni is not number 1
Consumer Insights recently released a report of most popular radio personalities in Kenya and surprisingly Maina Kageni was not number one.
I know, how now?
Well, a survey is a survey and it appears Maina Kageni is losing headway with his audience as new acts get into the game. His morning show alongside Mwalimu Kingangi has been a favourite for many for a while now due to the controversial topics hosted on it. Women especially adore Maina as more than not always tends to take their side.
Jalango, who hosts the morning show on Radio Maisha alongside Alex Mwakideu is officially the most sought after radio presenter, clinching a cool 11% of the total audience that listens to radio in Kenya. Maina Kageni comes in a close second at 10% and surprisingly he ties with Shaffie Weru. Apparently there are people who listen to kiss….very shocking.
Other notable personalities to make the list include Alex Mawkideu, Jalango’s co-host at 6%, Gidi Gidi at 8% and Kalekye Mumo at 6%.
Here is the full list: