Five Average Songs That Became Undeserving Hit Songs

The music industry can be quite unfair at times. Artists get to invest time and resources into a song and then it performs averagely on charts and YouTube views.

Everyone agrees it a great even classic song but somehow the listeners, DJs and radio hosts seem to have a different perception. Then the same artist or a different one can go to a studio, spend a few times or even more time but the product comes out average and cheap.

Then somehow that is what gets to dominate airwaves and mixes and garners considerable views. Trying to make sense of this all can be quite a hard process so I will just give you five songs done this year, that became hits yet you and I and even the artists can agree they were not the best they have done or can do, just average songs.


By all means Kristoff , Frasha and King Kaka’s track is just an average club song. Do not even lie to yourself that this is a feel good clubbing song. In it are some of the lamest lyrics either artist has come including the now infamous ‘Siezi isha me si bundles Ju wakiniona wanamelt kama candles’. Even the beat and the video has got nothing to write home about. Yet by all measures it became a hit, inspired two replies and is almost in all street mixes.


That is the best title really! As if we had not had enough of the accent based comedians, Majirani decides to harm our ears with lines like; ‘baby boo tupendaneko, nikipanda tupendaneko usiniache nikishuka tupendaneko bora hizi mbegu zetu tupandeko’. I don’t think even the hustlers and sufferers will be remembering this after the year ends.

Fimbo ya Tatu-Dawa Ya Moto Ni Moto

Such a long a title for a song that features most of the Grandpa Label artists and then throws in Wyre and Sauti Sol and KenRazy. The problem with grouping so many artists on a joke of a song like this is that the many average ones will pull down the best ones. The hook is so repetitive the only memorable thing about the song is the irritating horn sounds, the refrain Dawa ya Moto ni Moto and the line ‘Kama ni chapatti tushawakalia’. Yet like I said, it became a hit.

Welle Welle Remix

‘Temperature is pandaing, I’m welle welle when am teremukaing’ is the line that did it for me with this song. DNA’s deep vocals (n a bit interesting lines), the animated video are the only interesting thing about the song and not enough to save it from being average. Still, hardly a day goes by before I hear it.

Shake yo Bam Bam

Hehehe, even amongst Sauti Sol’s repertoire of songs this one did get undeserved attention. It is not even better than the follow up single Isabella yet I hardly hear Isabella yet somehow it became branded as a club banger. It is the one song which the song writing skills of the band came up short literally as the lyrics stop somewhere halfway through the song. But for the dancing and the hype that followed it this would be a real flop. Yet it sneaks in a-la Julius Njogu to the finishing line as one of the biggest tunes of the year. SMH

About this writer:

Liatema Munyu