After the fake land title debacle, Uhuru put on the spot again. This is what he has done
Yesterday the High Court made a shocking decision that will definitely erode all the progress Uhuru and the Jubilee government has made at the Kenyan Coast.
The ruling which was made by High Court judge Joseph Onguto suggested that all the title deeds recently issued at the Coast by the president were null and void as they were issued unprocedurally as it didn’t involve the National Land Commission.
Now before Uhuru and team could restructure, they have been hit with yet another setback that will surely throw them in disarray. It is the revelation that the government had spent 600 million on a social media tool to monitor the coming elections.
Kenyans are heavily criticizing this decision citing a perfect example of misplaced priorities as there are other pending issues the country is facing that need more urgency. Case example, the impending famine which is spreading across the country like wild fire and the ongoing doctor’s strike.
The revelations which first appeared on the Standard show the purchase was done under the Communications Authority with the sole aim of curtailing the ethnic violence that erupted in 2007.
“That the Government has resources to invest in state-of-the-art censorship tools and systems but lacks the same resources to connect 17 per cent of the country, which is not connected to 3G network space to allow for a full electronic elections management backup system.
That the Government is more concerned about hate speech than investing more resources in civic education about responsible citizenship, which perhaps would be less costly is very unfortunate” Concluded Edward Wanyonyi the writer who wrote the story.