EXPOSED: After Madam Anne Waiguru,Here Are Other Gorgeous Women Who Have Been Accused Of Being The President’s Sweethearts. Number 6 Is A Superstar!

Earlier last week,an exasperated President Uhuru Kenyatta came out to vehemently deny the long-running rumor that had it that embattled former Devolution CS Anne Waiguru is his girlfriend.

Addressing a political crowd in Narok County,the President made it clear that he had ONLY one Love in his life and taunted his detractors to go ahead and acquire themselves an extra wife if at all they were dissatisfied with their current wives.

But the Anne Waiguru link to the President didn’t start this week. It had been there almost since the President formed his Government made up mostly of fresh,business-like technocrats. Waiguru was among them.

Quickly,social media picked up the rumor and we’ve had a field day looking the President to her. Notorious blogger Robert Alai is more known for buttressing that rumor… Until Machakos Senator,the feral Johnson Muthama,gave those rumors a whole new meaning-and weight – at the infamous CORD public rally held at Uhuru Park.

And after years of a rumor gone rogue,the President couldn’t hide his feelings anymore. And he put the rumor to rest once and for all.

Well… He’s not the first to be caught up in a tantalizing,romantic conspiracy that almost wrecks the nation. Many before him have been there.. And while there’s actually NO proof of Kenyatta and Waiguru’s romantic dalliance,in some of the cases we’re about to see,the rumor wasn’t just a rumor. It was TRUE. And there was sufficient evidence to link the said Madame to the Nation’s elected leader.

Across the World,from America to Europe to Africa,Presidents have found themselves in a tight corner after been accused of either being too friendly with particular powerful women,shielding those women from criminal charges,abetting the said women’s crimes or still,cheating on their dear wives,the Nation’s First Lady,with some little secret missus.

Well… Let’s look at some of the cases now,shall we?

1. Mwai Kibaki and Mary Wambui (Kenya)



You all know this one. It played out in our eyes and made interesting corridor fodder for all of the ten years Mwai Kibaki presided over this Country. Kibaki,a timid,cultured gentleman,with one wife who we all agreed was crazed and nutty,found himself constantly hounded for allowing some other female political ‘Activist’,Mary Wambui,to continue flourishing and flouting the laws of the land. Mary was seen as a rowdy,unruly power into herslef. She was said to have her own Government-sanctioned security detail,said to move around in a convoy of black cars and said to be a notorious flouter of all laws. How she managed to be so powerful and enigmatic remained a mystery. Until the rumor came out… That she was Kibaki’s ‘other woman’. Kibaki let the rumor slide and carried on his business low-key and unperturbed. But at the height of the Artur Brothers,the foreign notorious hoodlums,who’d wrecked historic havoc in the country with the support of Mary and her daughter,Kibaki had to shut down the rumors once and for all. And in a rare televised speech,Kibaki uncharacteristically appeared to set the record straight,his voice unusually stern and his wife,puffed up and heaving hard, standing,intimidatingly, next to him. Paul Muite had to soon pay a little price for bolstering that rumor. Kibaki today is a retired President while Mary Wambui is a vociferous honorable MP of the region Kibaki retired from representing. Love is strange.

2. Goodluck Jonathan and Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke (Nigeria)

Goodluck was the President of giant country Nigeria. Now,let’s quickly look at this woman,Alison-Madueke. Now, Mrs. Alison-Madueke was first appointed into the federal cabinet in 2007.

After former Vice President Goodluck Jonathan became acting president, Mrs. Alison-Madueke was appointed Nigeria’s first female petroleum minister in February 2010, a position she held till May 29, 2015 when Mr. Jonathan,her rumored boyfriend,left office…

Mrs. Alison-Madueke’s tenure as petroleum minister turned out to be one of Nigeria’s most controversial,amid unending allegations of corruption.

Under her watch, dubious oil marketers stole trillions of naira of oil subsidy money. She retained her position after the House of Representative investigated the scandal and indicted the minister.

Probes by independent audit firms, including the KPMG and Pricewaterahousecoopers,confirmed billions of dollars of oil money were missing, the most notable being $20 billion in 2014.

Financial scandals aside,Mrs Alison was always a gorgeous,flamboyant woman who many Nigerian men admired for days on end. She oozed class and sexiness,with her well-manicured image,bright eyes and vivacious sense of style. With time,Nigerians noticed that President Jonathan was always too fond of her. Even with her enormous corruption scandals,the Nigerian President never once rebuked her. Or even entertained the thought of sacking her. Even after stealing billions of dollars,the President still had her ear. And fancied her. And then the rumor broke – she’s Jonathan’s girlfriend!

The rumors grew stronger everyday. It got even uglier when it was said that Mrs. Alison’s own sister had borne a baby with Jonathan Goodluck himself. Thus,not just sleeping with Mrs. Alison but also her sister. But Alison,a married woman,constantly denied the rumors. But they never went away.

It has also been widely reported across Nigeria that Jonathan’s wife and First Lady Patience Goodluck Jonathan once openly confronted Deziani Allison Madueke’s mother, Beatrice Agama, at an event in Port Harcourt telling her, “Mama, a beg please tell your daughter to leave my husband alone o. She is married and I’m married. What kind of thing is this now eh?”

She constantly maintained that The President was just a friend. And the President claimed so too. Well,today,Jonathan is a retired,bored President of Nigeria while Mrs. Alison,emaciated and battered,is battling cancer in a London jail after being arrested for the mega corruption scandal last month.

3. Tony Blair and Wendy Deng (Britain)


Now,this is where it gets interesting. For one,Wendy Deng was herself a married woman,married to notorious tabloid mogul Rupert Murdoch,who was 30 years her senior. Murdoch,a billionaire newspaper baron,had been friends with British Prime Minister Tony Blair for decades. Blair is even a god-father to Murdoch’s daughter with Wendy. Now, after his epic,iconic newspaper News of the World was mired in a huge,moral scandal,forcing it’s ultimate shock closure,reports emerged that linked Tony Blair to Wendy Deng.

Despite the fact that Tony was still very much married to lawyer Cherie Blair,it was said that he would sneak across the Atlantic on a private jet to visit and have sex with the seductive Asian bombshell Wendy at her expansive California mansion.

Wendy was also said to be in the habit of writing notes and having them delivered to the Prime Minister Tony. She’d jot down what she really liked about him in the notes,noting,in one of the letters,that she liked his height,nice legs,bum, smile and body. Yes,Bum.

Somehow,after the massive scandals that followed the News of the World collapse and subsequent investigations,Wendy and Rupert Murdoch divorced. To date,Tony has REFUSED to address the salacious claims. While Wendy had denied ever having an affair with Mr. Blair ever. Hmmmm

4. Bill Clinton And,Oh, so many women….

First it was the (in)famous Monica Lewinsky and her blue semen-stained dress,the woman who riveted America with her tales of how then-president Bill Clinton,a seemingly-polished Democrat with a powerful,endearing politician wife,initiated a sexual relationship with her leading to her performing various x-rated erotic acts to him right in the White House. The incident threatened to not just shake Bill’s Presidency but also his tight marriage to current U.S Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton.

It was a huge political storm,a storm that sent shockwaves across the entire Democratic Party. And a storm that shook Congress and brought out the savagery of his fierce Republican rivals. Somehow,Bill navigated through the whole scandal. And after months of denying any wrongdoing,finally came out and admitted on a nationally televised speech that he had,indeed,enjoyed more than official services from the-then White House intern,Lewinsky.

Clinton’s association with extra-marital women was never going to end soon though. Still,even after the jarring Monica scandal had died down,Bill was still linked to a host of other women many of whom,it was reported by Daily Mail,were paid and threatened into silence by none other than Hilary Clinton herself. And even though some wrote books,or threatened to come out,it still hasn’t done much to further dent Clinton’s image. Or even topple his marriage.

Still,the women keep coming out.

5. President Francoise Hollande Of France and Julie Gayet

Amid the terror attacks,sporadic riots and the bloody entanglement in the war in Syria,the President of France still has a lot of personal drama unfolding in his home. And heart. Even before becoming President, Mr. Hollande had had a crazy marriage to his Ecology Minister Segolene Royal that later collapsed after producing four kids.

And after a string of women,Hollande settled for his journalist lover Valerie Trierweiler who he also moved into the Elysee Palace with as France’s unmarried First Lady. His romance with Miss Trierweiler was crazy and full of fire… But at some point, the love seemed to have ebbed away after French National newspapers sensationally exposed him and his secret affair to actress Julie Gayet,twenty years his junior.

Even though he was still dating-and living with-his girlfriend Trierweiler,the French President was exposed as a cheater after photos of him and his secret trips around town with Julie sufficed. He was also numerously pictured leaving Julie’s flat wearing a helmet to hide his identity.

After he was exposed, he fired and kicked Trierweiler out of the Palace. And then she sank into a bed-ridden depression before coming out with explosive claims against him calling him a racist,compulsive liar,love cheat and a pretentious elitist.

His love affair to Julie didn’t last long either. And after months of breaking up and making up, dramatically and sensationally,he still remains a single man. Dealing with more than just a crazy ex,jealous ex-wife and besotted current. Hmmm… Love.

6. John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe…And other women

Besides being one of America’s greatest Presidents, and also being a major player and face of America’s so-called Royal family,John F Kennedy,or JFK as he was fondly known as,also takes the title for being America’s greatest Presidential lothario…John rode to power in a tumultuous time; marked by bloody race riots,a call for an abolition of racial laws and general civil upheaval across a very socially divided America.

He would soon after be assassinated in one of the many brutal assassinations that would succeed his. But before he died,felled by a hail of gunshots from a deranged assassin, John had lived quite the life… Strode across America like a colossus,befriended and bedded many a showbiz goddesses and also had the notoriety of sleeping with the iconic film star and feminist icon Marilyn the one and only Monroe.

Even before their clandestine romance would sensationally pour into the public,Marilyn would dazzle America singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to a smitten President Kennedy at the White House. Conspiracy theorists claim that Johns brother, the attorney general Robert Kennedy would then engineer the callous murder of Marilyn in order to cover up her affairs with the President and so that she would not embarrass or topple his administration. Or crush his marriage to fashionista and icon Jackie O.

It is further alleged that Robert himself,who would suffer the same fatal fate as that of his brother just years later,was also sleeping with Marilyn Monroe. And that after a deal gone sour, Marilyn threatened to go public with her Presidential trysts prompting powerful men in the administration to plot her death and keep it hush-hush.

But Marilyn was not Kennedy’s only catch. Ken was a man of the ladies as evidenced by the many famous women he flirted with,invited to the White House and subsequently slept with in a long habit of unbridled lustrousness and runaway womanizing.

Click HERE to see all the women who belonged to the randy President of the USA. How he met them and what he finally did with and for them.

Long live John F. Kennedy.

About this writer:

Cabu Gah