Esther Passaris drags her sickly father into Miguna Miguna mess

“You are so beautiful, everybody wants to rape you.” This statement by Miguna Miguna directed to Esther Passaris was the reason why Kenyans bashed the former Raila Odinga aide.
Miguna went overboard and stripped Passaris of her dignity as Jeff Koinange failed to intervene and save face.
The war of words continued on Twitter where Kenyans in defense of Passaris attacked Miguna over his misogynistic opinion.
Passaris joined her supporters on Twitter to blast Miguna and express the pain she felt after he insulted her on national TV.
In what appears as self pity, Passaris revealed her sickly father was watching JKL when Miguna went HAM on her.
She revealed her dad was suffering from Parkinson’s Disease in one of her tweets while bashing Miguna. Parkinson’s Disease a progressive disease of the nervous system marked by tremor, muscular rigidity, and slow, imprecise movement. It’s what killed boxing legend, Muhammad Ali.
“I am saddened that my father who suffers from Parkinson’s Disease had to witness such distasteful, disrespectful and deceptive insults meted on his daughter by a man who has nothing to offer to anyone,” Passaris tweeted.

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla