Eric Omondi No Longer On Churchill Show. Find Out Why Here

Eric Omondi is indubitably the most prolific of comedians that has sprung up thanks to Churchill’s tutelage.
But he hasn’t been on and that has raised some questions especially from people who have been reading about alleged crises at the show.


But lad finally broke his silence and explained that he is just fatigued. He is worn out what with his hectic schedule. But that doesn’t mean that there is any issue with Churchill Show. He will actually be back on the show from March or thereabouts.

Burn-out is actually a very common phenomenon that affects everyone playing their game at such elevated levels. It’s not really common for Kenyan politicians but for athletes and entertainers it happens.

When the comedian was asked about what was going on, this was his response:

“I will be coming back in March or thereabout. You cannot crack jokes all year round, you need a little break.”

About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)