Elani And Other Artists Grumbling About MSCK Will Shed Tears Over Jaguar’s Hard Hitting Words And Blame Themselves For F**king Up

Jaguar’s action will make anti-MCSK crusaders catch hormones!

Artists have been whining about Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MSCK) giving them peanuts as royalties.

Singing trio, Elani, even intimated they were broke because of MSCK.

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But are artists supposed to rely on royalties to put bread on their tables?

“I totally support a transparent and accountable MCSK in order for Kenyan Musicians to get their hard earned royalties. To the few alluding that I may perhaps be a beneficiary, I want to state that I have not been to MCSK to collect Royalties since the year 2013… MCSK can clarify further.” Jaguar’s words after Elani opened up about their misery.

Well, Jaguar implied he’s flying high without depending on MSCK to feed him. The ‘Huu Mwaka’ singer hasn’t gone to ask for his royalties for two years despite the fact that PRISK listed him among top royalties earners last year and MCSK revealed he was the highest earning artist in 2014.

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Jaguar named as highest earning artist by MSCK in 2014

And just to hammer the message home, Jaguar reminded artists royalties was just one of the many avenues for artists to earn a living.

“I’d like to urge upcoming Kenyan musicians not to be discouraged by the ongoing wrangles with the copyright societies. In music there are many ways one can earn and be successful. Royalties is just one of the avenues.” Wrote Jaguar.

Artists who f**k up depending on royalties to survive will surely become beggars if they don’t smart up soon enough.

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere