Edith Kimani Dating Janet Mbugua Twin Brother? See The Interesting Details (Photos)
The former KTN anchor-cum-DW TV East African correspondent is displaying all the telltale signs she is in a relationship with Janet Mbugua’s twin bro, Timothy Mbugua.
Janet Mbugua’s brother isn’t a new face in entertainment scene. He used to ride on her sister’s fame but now he is flying on his own.
Timothy is now a regular face on TV, not as a news anchor though. The tall chap is now the main man on Access Kenya Internet Solutions TV commercial.
The advert runs just before prime time news, you can catch up with him just in case you want to see Timothy in action.
Back to the part where Timothy and Edith are an item! The two have been gracing SAME events more times to be mere coincidence.
Remember the birthday bash Janet threw her mom, Edith was sufficiently present despite the party being a family affair. That tells you…
See also: Edith Kimani Flies All The Way From Germany To Attend Janet Mbugua’s Surprise Party
Even before the party, Edith and Timothy were still hanging out together at public events. They graced MAMAs After Party Nairobi!
The latest gig they were spotted smooching in public was the Koroga festival which happened over the weekend.
Edith and Timothy decided to get a little cozy!